Well for once I have some free time to mess around with my linux computer a bit (which the server is hosted on). With this time.. im going to do a much needed format of the linux computer (aka the server) and put on a new Linux OS (Fedora Core 3 untill a stable release of 4 is out). I've needed to this format for some time to clean things out and update all the packages but have not had the time. I backed up all my servers on DVD so HOPEFULLY I will be able to get things running again fairly fast after I get the new linux installed and all the packages for it updated. It will most likely be down all day tomorrow and a good part of the night. Depending on any hicups I run into or other things I have to take care of beside this I should be done late tomorrow night or sometime in the afternoon Saturday. Im not sure 100% but hopefully its a smooth operation and I did not forget to backup anything important. So tomorrow when you dont see the server... dont be surprised! I'll let you all know when its backup so enjoy it tonight if you have that burning need!