Lockups almost immediately starting UT2003 maps and a minute or so in UT maps. UT2003 is D3D and UT is OpenGL. UT2003 maps that have locked up are CTF-Corona, CTF-MaisonDArbe and CTF-Peak2003[FuT], although DM-Hardcore-BE ran fine (maybe just lucky). Here's what happened:
Thursday (6-12-03): Everything was fine, then I installed Unreal2 in the same partition as UT2003. Unreal2 locked up during intro. video, so I applied patch and noCDcrack and got through until after the training and it locked up again. I don't give a crap about Unreal2 anymore, but what happened next blows.
Friday (6-13-03): Created backup of C: partition to hidden drive of 2nd hard drive. Tried various tweaks to get Win98SE to recognize 1GB of RAM and none worked.
Sunday (6-15-03): tried more tweaks and still no luck (changed vcache and a bunch of other settings, eventually went back to original system.ini settings). See my other thread.
Monday (6-16-03): Noticed CTF-Corona and CTF-MaisonDArbe locking up, pissed off because before this only DM-2019 locked up.
Tuesday (6-17-03): Still lock up and now DM-Peak2003[FuT] and then CTF-Highrise2 in UT, WTF! Anyway, I copied all files dated 6-13-03 and after to another partition and recovered my C: drive from 6-13-03 and CTF-Corona still locks up in UT2003 (didn't try anything else yet). That's really bizarre.
The only thing I can think of is the following:
1. Unreal2 f-ed everything up, or
2. CTF-Corona for UT2003 installed and f-ed everything up (highly unlikely), or
3. Something is locked in the RAM and can't be released or RAM stick is bad (I do have another stick to try, how do I purge the RAM in there first?), or
4. I need to reinstall DirectX and my video drivers (41.09's).
Anyone that can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.
Specs: Win98SE, Athlon1800+, Soyo Dragon+ MB, 512MB DDR RAM, GeF4Ti4400, SBAudigy, Kenwood True 72X CD-ROM.
Thank you.
[EDIT] just tried a Virusscan and DX tests this morning and no viruses and DX tests all passed (DX8.1b). Will try other things tonight when back from work. By the way, this is looking more and more like a RAM problem. I will try memtest tonight and if it fails or not, I will try my other RAM stick. Any other suggestions besides OS reinstall might help though. Thanks.
me >> << my computer
Thursday (6-12-03): Everything was fine, then I installed Unreal2 in the same partition as UT2003. Unreal2 locked up during intro. video, so I applied patch and noCDcrack and got through until after the training and it locked up again. I don't give a crap about Unreal2 anymore, but what happened next blows.
Friday (6-13-03): Created backup of C: partition to hidden drive of 2nd hard drive. Tried various tweaks to get Win98SE to recognize 1GB of RAM and none worked.
Sunday (6-15-03): tried more tweaks and still no luck (changed vcache and a bunch of other settings, eventually went back to original system.ini settings). See my other thread.
Monday (6-16-03): Noticed CTF-Corona and CTF-MaisonDArbe locking up, pissed off because before this only DM-2019 locked up.
Tuesday (6-17-03): Still lock up and now DM-Peak2003[FuT] and then CTF-Highrise2 in UT, WTF! Anyway, I copied all files dated 6-13-03 and after to another partition and recovered my C: drive from 6-13-03 and CTF-Corona still locks up in UT2003 (didn't try anything else yet). That's really bizarre.
The only thing I can think of is the following:
1. Unreal2 f-ed everything up, or
2. CTF-Corona for UT2003 installed and f-ed everything up (highly unlikely), or
3. Something is locked in the RAM and can't be released or RAM stick is bad (I do have another stick to try, how do I purge the RAM in there first?), or
4. I need to reinstall DirectX and my video drivers (41.09's).
Anyone that can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.
Specs: Win98SE, Athlon1800+, Soyo Dragon+ MB, 512MB DDR RAM, GeF4Ti4400, SBAudigy, Kenwood True 72X CD-ROM.
Thank you.
[EDIT] just tried a Virusscan and DX tests this morning and no viruses and DX tests all passed (DX8.1b). Will try other things tonight when back from work. By the way, this is looking more and more like a RAM problem. I will try memtest tonight and if it fails or not, I will try my other RAM stick. Any other suggestions besides OS reinstall might help though. Thanks.
me >> << my computer