Serious Ghost Problems

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


I was just on the only SOB inf 2.5 server that's up... there were 2 other ppl on and about 20-30 ghosts ("Player"). I dunno how this got by testing or if it's server specific but it's pretty bad. Someone mentioned it was because people attemped to join during rounds, but I don't believe this is the case. When the server crashed, I logged on (the only person on) and there was already a ghost. I did not attempt to join, and noticed that a 2nd ghost spawned spontaneously from what I could see.

hopefully, this is server specific... Just thought I'd let ya know.