Self-adjusting team sizes.

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New Member
Dec 19, 1999
UT has a way of auto-adjusting skill of bots - how about auto-adjusting team sizes based on how well teams are going.

Say team A and team B. Team A wins, so the worst player (lowest score, or first person fragged) of team A gets sent to team B... and so on (worst player of winning team sent to other team). Potentially, it might get down to one person on one team against everybody else!

This would not only balance the game - but it would be a great incentive for top notch players who can aim to be a one-man army! I think when it gets down to 1-2 players, the small team should have other benefits - like access to being able to carry more weapons, or special (real-life) "powerups" like a 100 round M4 magazine (any special exotic real add-ons become available - like gun mounted grenade launchers, laser sights, ceramic armour etc.).[although I've been told that such real-life powerups greatly unbalance the game - your call].

Infiltration should be able to have this auto-adjust option - or you can optionally manually adjust team size 2 vs 6, 1 vs 4 etc. however you like. Then you can simulate the Die Hard movie, or some other show where a one-man army (or small force) against 'over-whelming' odds.

Anyhow - I think these kind of highly configurable options will definately help maintain long-term interest in the mod.



Don't frag me, love me

[This message was edited by ajy on Jun 23, 2000 at 13:50.]


New Member
Dec 19, 1999
Spy vs Spy gamemode...


I read on another forum, someone mentioned a PaintBall gamemode he played called Spy vs Spy, where one person on each team is a 'spy' who looks like their teammembers but plays for the other team!

Of course each round, the spy is chosen randomly, but the purpose of each round is clear - kill your enemy team - and find and eliminate the spy!

What do you think? Be quite easy to implement?


Don't frag me, love me.

[This message was edited by ajy on Jun 23, 2000 at 13:53.]


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Visit site
if we are at auto adjust..

..why not add a team size option:
You just punch in a number of membvers for each team, and on we go.
I know we can already do this in the bot setup screen, but changeing the numbers directly would be much easier.

Snakeye /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

anything you do can get you killed, including doing nothing