Secret Characters? + Other Issues

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Mar 1, 2005
Watched a couple of movies on the official site, it said it would be featuring special characters, will they be from previous unreal or mortal combat... Also for people who have played the demo is the third person hard to control or relatively easy with the lock function?


...I wish I was
Mar 27, 2002
Maryland, U.S.
Visit site
Well, not sure if you realise it but the lock function only puts a ring around the "locked" player to help you keep track of them (it also acts as an auto face for melee) it does not auto aim for you at all. That being said, besides the lack of the form of autoaim that games such as Halo/2 have, it all depends on how well you can use the controller i.e. it's like all other Xbox FPSs.

Death Cube K

You'll be seeing him alot.
Mar 1, 2005
Big Apple, 3:00 AM
I don't think there are any "secret" characters, per se. If you'd like, I can look around for the complete character list, it should still be somewhere at GameFAQs. It does have a few spoilers though, so I guess I could just PM it or something. Also, while I find that third person is very helpful in melee, I still can't aim for crap outside of first person with anything except the rocket launcher.
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Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
The 3rd person controls pretty much the same as first person. The main difference is you get more peripheal vision, but you also sacrifice some long range vision and accuracy. The only major problem I've had with 3rd person is that when you back up close to a wall, the camera tries to go overhead, but most of the time, you can no longer see yourself, so it's very disorienting and akward. I just try to stay away from narrow corrdiors an walls when I'm in melee mode.

The lock on is sort of like auto-aim, but it only works with your melee weapon, and melee fighting isn't really about aiming. The main advantage is it aims your dash attacks for you, which is handy because you have to take your thumb off the aiming stick to use some attacks.


teh suxx0r
Sep 6, 2004
Hell, AKA New Jersey
All the powers (adrenaline and melee powers in air) are easy to use, yes.

Your adrenaline powers are all in a sub menu, that you get to by hitting X, hit X a second time to go to the second menu. Then you hit L trigger, R trigger, or A to activate the power you want. Once you learn the characters and their adrenaline powers, then it's more of a combo to do them. For example, when I want to use Vampire with Lauren, I hit X, X, L trigger real quick and it goes off.

The melee attacks in the air are easy as well. Hit the R trigger to go flying accross the board (hold it to go farther but you are vunerable during the charge up), or hit B to do a dashing melee attack. The B button attack in the air uses 2 little bars of adrenaline, though, so if you have no adrenaline at the time, you won't be able to do it; the R trigger charge uses no adrenaline to use.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
The third person is okay for some weapons like anubis's scorpions. but it really depends on what weapon you are using. as for the lockon it is like an auto aim since it aims your weapon toward them. But it sucks if your opponent jumps on a ledge and you were right under the ledge and another opponent is attacking you in melee because you try backing out to a clearing you can hardley get pass the person attacking you and you have to go backwards because you are still locked on. :instagib: :instagib: