Scope Idea

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Grin Reaper

New Member
Apr 17, 2000
Why not make a 'scope area' which will be enabled viewing through the weapon's scope?
This would cover up their selected area (handedness), ex: Left Area is viewable, right area is zoomed up on the target.)

What I'm really trying to say is make a scope view similar to Delta Force 2.

What UT gives you is an eye-dominant problem. You can only see out of your scope eye, while most people can see both, one regular, the other zoomed up.



Specops Spook
Jan 11, 2000
The human eye cant do that in real life. if you tried that, the scope image would drift and waver.

You try looking though a monocular with one eye open and tell me whether you think you'd be able to hit anything if it was on a rifle.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
DF2 doesn't suck because of that, it sucks because I can't run it smoothly on my Athlon 800.

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[This message has been edited by Gryphon (edited 04-19-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Gryphon (edited 04-19-2000).]


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
of course it's possible... but know try reading a book with one eye while trying to aim trough a scope a target 1000 feet away... even worse, aiming the head, trying to make on shot kill...

If you ever fired I real sniper rifle, you should know that it's one of the most hard task, most concentration needing task you could ask your body and your brain to do.

--- Geogob ---
The only way out is the C4 way

Grin Reaper

New Member
Apr 17, 2000
geogob, snipers don't read books while their aiming, unless it's a How-To Assassinate book. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Actually in INF sniping really isn't that hard at all. You don't have to deal with wind velocity and the natural arc of a bullet. In INF it's a matter of 1-shot 1-kill, especially with a Robar. My favorite weapon /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

Try looking thru one-half of a binocular. I know only 3dfx's Voodoo4/5 can handle the focusing technology stuff, but it would still be cool.

Have any of u shot a sniper rifle u check your target then look thru scope check ur target then look thru scope then shoot. A quicker scope would be better. Ive been sniping for a little now and my scope seems to be set at one distance..

!!!! Why not a peek button where you can quickly peek with opposite eye first to assure you aiming in the right position while leaving the original idea in tact..??