scale problem

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Drawbot 9000
May 20, 2004
I have always been under the impression that a foot in Unreal is about 16 units. That would make a 6 foot human about 96 units tall. My sprite appears to be about 2 x this height! My character looks down on top of a 96 unit tall box.

Any ideas?




Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Well I wouldn't bother about all this scale conversion. Just build stuff that looks right ingame. If you sprite is too big then just scale it down


Drawbot 9000
May 20, 2004
Wont work - this one has to be to scale. I have worked to scale in UnEd before and it worked to this scale. I'm just not sure why this time my sprite is 12' tall - or about 180 units. Maybe something to do with the player start?

Bot_40 said:
Well I wouldn't bother about all this scale conversion. Just build stuff that looks right ingame. If you sprite is too big then just scale it down


New Member
May 20, 2004
One footstep is about 128 units (8 squares). However, if you use this as a unit of measure for scaling the dimensions of a level, everything will come out looking roughly twice as big as intended, and players will look about 3 feet tall.

To create a scale model of an environment, I use the following guidelines ...

For example say, a room in your home ...

Record height / width / length of room in inches.
Divide measurements by 4.5 to give the number of 16-pixel grid squares in UnrealEd.
Round up / down to nearest whole number, to give whole grid squares.
Multiply by 8 to give the number of pixels used for defining a brush.

I created a simple Excel worksheet as a ready-reckoner that performs the necessary conversions ... you just enter the dimensions in inches and it tells you the grid-units and pixels needed to create a brush that "feels right" within UT. The worksheet limits scaling errors to a maximum variance of 4 inches from their actual value, and still ensures that values entered into UnrealEd correspond to complete 16-pixel grid squares. Just email me if you'd like a copy.


New Member
Jun 9, 2004
Is there no way to control the location of the player Point Of View in UnRealEd?
Last edited:


New Member
May 20, 2004
brethomp said:
Is there no way to control the location of the Point Of View in UnRealEd?

The eyeball icon in the 2D windows reflects the position of the camera-view in the 3D window, this can be repositioned in the same way as any other object (click on it, it will turn green, then use MOVE / ROTATE).

CTRL-LeftMouse Move object.
CTRL-RightMouse (move left / right) Rotate object.

Hope this helps!


Director of Misanthropy
Feb 24, 2004
That's true -- you can drag the eyeball around like that -- but I wonder if his question may have been a little simpler. To move around using the 3D viewport itself, you simply click and drag with your mouse anywhere in that viewport. Which mouse button you hold determines how you move through the map:

Left button: Moves around in the xy plane.
Right button: Moves your view direction.
Both buttons: Moves around in the plane perpendicular to your point of view.

Forgive me if you already knew this; I wasn't sure if this was exactly what you were asking.


Drawbot 9000
May 20, 2004
In game or in Edit?

Are you talking about in game or in Edit? In game requires that you modify the player script. That's probably a question for the advanced section.

I think my scale problem May have been Max units related. I took some time and set up a template in Maya that works perfectly. 1 unit = 1 unit and 96 units roughly equals six feet or the height of a character:) tHat will do the job.

Thanks for all the feedback - I think I solved it.



New Member
Jun 9, 2004
I was referring to in game. It seems that it would be easier to have 1 unit in Unreal equal a unit in the real world, if you actually wanted to draw at a scale. So by modifying the POV of the player to be about 66 units (66" or 5'6" Imperial) would make things much easier.

In UnrealEngine2 Runtime the default POV seems to be at about 198 units.


Drawbot 9000
May 20, 2004
Yep - I noticed the same thing - that was where my original question came from. One issue is who's units? Metric or English? and what unit. Your comment about using the 66 units is on target but then you cant have anything smaller than two inches - or one inch if you wanted to get picky. Maybe not a problem.

brethomp said:
I was referring to in game. It seems that it would be easier to have 1 unit in Unreal equal a unit in the real world, if you actually wanted to draw at a scale. So by modifying the POV of the player to be about 66 units (66" or 5'6" Imperial) would make things much easier.

In UnrealEngine2 Runtime the default POV seems to be at about 198 units.


New Member
Jun 9, 2004
As long as there is a way to modify the players POV height, the Unreal unit could be defined as anything. In my example above, 1 Unreal = 1 inch, but it could also be defined as 1 Unreal = 1 cm with the POV at 168. The question is, how difficult is it to modify the height of the players POV in the player script?

Geometry smaller then 1 Unreal unit seems to import just fine into UnrealEd, but I can see your point that everything would have to line up to a 1 inch grid to allow the grid snap of UnrealEd to be used.



Drawbot 9000
May 20, 2004
I would check out the Unreal WIKI to see how to modify that height. In fact, Ill do that today. The scale issue is also important for compatibility. How compatible does what your doing have to be with existing SMs? If you want to use existing stuff I guess it can always be scaled in Edit.

brethomp said:
As long as there is a way to modify the players POV height, the Unreal unit could be defined as anything. In my example above, 1 Unreal = 1 inch, but it could also be defined as 1 Unreal = 1 cm with the POV at 168. The question is, how difficult is it to modify the height of the players POV in the player script?

Geometry smaller then 1 Unreal unit seems to import just fine into UnrealEd, but I can see your point that everything would have to line up to a 1 inch grid to allow the grid snap of UnrealEd to be used.
