Scale / Playability of UT 2007

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New Member
Aug 18, 2005

I recently went onto an american site where it gave you quantity of each type of UT servers being rented:

UT2003 was about 18
UT 2004 was about 4

This says it all, the new versions have failed to keep the exciting gameplay etc that the original had. Things I put it down to:

The characters in the new UT s are too much. simple characters are cool as long as there are many to choose from varying in style, form etc.

The scale of the original UT players was cool. In the new versions they seemed to get smaller ?

The voice over gameplay had a crap feel. Not manly enough.

The stupid power pils and double jump thing is no good in UT2003.

Why did all the maps seem to be dark ? Dark gameplay sucks.

Also I dont feel you can turn out a much more improved game the following year ? UT2003 - UT2004 (I dowloaded the demo of UT 2004, deleted it within a week).

My friends and I still play the original UT. I have a server. Bring back all the good things. Make an outstanding game and i will buy it, and alot of others will too !

Solid-State UK. :)


New Member
May 29, 2005
RENTED Servers you idiot

what do servers have to do with the scale?

Yeah, is off.. but there nothing wrong with the double jump.... dont be so down on UTkx... overall Ut2004 is better than UT..... better maps...more great gametypes..... Why dont you buy UT2004 before you go and say it sucks? The game isnt dark..... and if you think it is... then go the fricking setting and make it fricking brighter. The voice over isnt that bad.... although do think it should be in the voice that you pick (like Robot, human, and such)



bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
hmm 22 servers for the 'new' version and 21 for the old. That's hardly a failure.
Perhaps you should look at the numbers for other games like Quake 2 vs Q3A or even D3.

Never mind that the higher system-requirements mean that there'll be fewer servers available making it more difficult for the new games to reach the same numbers again.
Or that a single sample is not exactly a good example of the real figures.
That's like seeing one dumb american and assuming all americans are stupid ...


surveying the wreckage...
Nov 6, 2002
Somewhere on Route 666
solidstate said:

All been said before, countless times.

1. Cartoony characters -- agreed. Silly. The juggernauts aren't too bad, I like the robots and the new Xan... the nightmares blow chunks, but they're already on the chopping block.

2. Scale. Everybody yells about the scale. I blame the movement, personally.

3. Announcer. People yelled so much that Epic made the "Classic" announcer pack for UT04. UT03 announcer was pretty dim.

4. Adren and movement. Matter of personal taste. I love the movement in combat... I hate what it does to maps and the fact that you have to use it as transportation. Adren I could take or leave, doesn't bother me.

5. Huh?! Check your gamma. UT99 was way darker.

6. You don't feel they could improve the game in one year. A lot of people feel otherwise. On the surface, UT04 looks like UT03 redux... the changes are subtle but effective. Adren is toned down, boostdodge is nerfed, xloc is powered up, weapons are powered up (big issue there, most folks like it), playerscale is upped as much as possible. UT04 is what UT03 should have been by most lights... although I still find UT03 to have its own character which is not without certain charms.

But anyway, you basically just rehashed the same things the UT99- 4- evah crowd has been saying since late '02. The only thing there I hadn't heard a ton of times was the bit about the darkness.

For my part, yeah I'll admit that the UE2 games don't quite have the ineffable magic that UT99 had. But they're not chopped liver by any stretch, and I certainly wouldn't want to see UT07 wind up as a UT99 port a- la CS:Source. What I'd most like to see come back is the original storyline/ setting. The current one just lacks grit.

But that's been said a godzillion times as well. :lol:

*edit* Welcome to BuF, BTW... it's a good 'nuff UT forum, and believe it or not there are plenty of folks here who agree with where you're coming from. :)
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Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
Hi there Solidstate. Welcome to BeyondUnreal :)

I understand you're not going to reread every thread of this side of the forum, but rest assured that Discord is right: it has been discussed before. In most cases, there's even a poll on the subject.
I understand your points of critic on the UT200x gameplay, but AFAIK there is no announcement on dealing with your particular complaints.
I must disagree with the darkness of the levels. These seem pretty fine to me. The characters, on the other hand, really don't stick out against the background as much as they should.

Oh, and one last note: please don't state your opinions as facts. It can be misunderstood, which results in posts like Vault's one. Thanks.



Dressed in Pink
Jun 4, 2005
In Nathan's base
My opinion. I like UT2004. Vehicles=Yay. Thats why i love UT2004. I don't wanna play UT99, and I simply won't give it a chance. I love the Unreal seiries and can't wait for 2k7.


New Member
May 29, 2005
wow...... i got hit on the head.... instagibbed...rocketed...ran over.. hit on the head some more

yet im still alive, go figure.... GOD MODE FOOLS muahahahahahaha


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Discord said:
2. Scale. Everybody yells about the scale. I blame the movement, personally.
I've been preaching this for awhile, and here I go again. The movement did screw up the scale. The player size didn't change so much, but the maps got huge to accommodate the new moves. The new huge maps changed how the gameplay felt. Rockets and flak aren't so useful anymore, and there's really no "OMG in your face" feeling anymore. But the reverse of that is that small maps now feel very out of place because you can't use the moves provided for you properly.

solidbuttcheek said:
Also I dont feel you can turn out a much more improved game the following year ? UT2003 - UT2004 (I dowloaded the demo of UT 2004, deleted it within a week).
UT2003 was Digital Extreme's doing, not Epic's. They're the ones that came up with the double jump idea. Epic took what DE had and improved it tenfold for UT2004. Since UT2007 is solely Epic's game, it will be good. DE has proven multiple times that while they may be good at visuals and maps, they really can't get gameplay right. They're the reason behind UT2004's dodge-jumping and adrenaline.
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Bast's Pet
Aug 4, 2005
Why is it that everyone in the world has to start one of these wish it was UT99 threads? I mean yes there are things that would have been better left alone in UT200x, but popping up a tread every week to state the same thing gets old quick. can we please let the frigin dogs lie for a month or more?... PLEASE!


surveying the wreckage...
Nov 6, 2002
Somewhere on Route 666
Persefone said:
How I missed that? Thank you, Discord.

Yeah... a little caveat, I dunno if they're actually going to get that off the ground or not. They've been working on it for a long time now, and they're saying "summer 05 release." Well, summer 05 is almost done and whether they are or not remains to be seen.

Still though, would be cool if they pulled it off. :)