Ok listen up about the auto-rocket-lock-on...
1. Epic is already doing it, they mentioned it in a magazine too, and I think it's fine.
2. AT THE MOMENT: At midrange: Rockets are EASY TO AVOID, like really, just double tap a movement key and you'll take NEAR ZERO OR ZERO damage (Even I could dodge almost every rocket at midrange). At close-range whether it locks on or not doesn't matter because your at close range and the rocket cant turn that rapidly and fast (hopefully not too rapidly and fast), so at close range the rocket lock-on won't help you much anyway.
3. Even when it locks on, you can STILL dodge it because it's not like it's gonna curve insane amounts rapidly like a madman chasing after you.
4. How many frags have you had from rocket lock-ons against GOOD-PUB players? Probably near 1% of ALL your rocket launcher shots. You know it's true. Just think about it...in DM-Rankin there is like almost no way you could get a nice frag from a lock on. The current way the lock-on timing is implemented in 2k4, it's just no use almost anywhere. The rocket lock-on should ACTUALLY BE USEFUL.
5. I'm not asking for a newbified game, I'm not contradicting, I'm just trying to make the lock-on ACTUALLY USEFUL (which does not automatically mean overpowered), just try to understand (Refer to #4).
6. MAYBE, instead of locking on, the time it takes to get a lock on should be reduced drastically to a short amount of time, rather than instantly (but that depends on balancing issues) because IIRC the lock-on atm takes about 2-3 secs, understand that 2-3 seconds is a really long time in UT.
7. Btw I already know how to use the rocket launcher but I want the lock on actually useful for once and also balanced.
8. If your so obsessed with balancing: If the auto lock-on is being added in then the damage can be reduced, or ROF can be lowered, rocket speed reduced...etc. So it can STILL be balanced with auto lock-on.
9. I trust Epic to make it well balanced.
10. If this doesn't convince you, nothing will, so I'm prolly not talking about auto lockons after this.
My ten reasons!
So either ONE of the following three things should happen:
-Make it lock on instantly <---I would prefer, because then players wouldn't be waiting for a lock on (waiting is bad in UT)
-Make it lock on in a VERY SHORT amount of time and so that it's actually USEFUL
-Remove it altogether
This should NOT happen: Keep the rocket launcher timing the same as it is in 2k4 so that it's not even useful in any way.