That is something.
- Will it be possible to chain a specific loadout to a map.
- Does bullet proof vest signify several types (IIa,II,III,IVa,IV) along with helmets.
- Are you going to make vests/helmets visible on the model (fx. with otherwise invisible polygons as on the UT weapons).
- Is the radar spot on the HUD replaced with say a compass to simplify team coordination.
- Are you going to make a prefab library with army trucks, barrels, rope/ladders (like in Klingon Honor Guard, it would be great with climbing animations) you can climb, and other moody stuff.
- Is the AK going to be included in the future, if you are finishing the Terrorist and Soldier class.
- I'm no weapon expert, but isn't it the M16A1 that shoots single/auto, and the M16A2 that shoots single/burst.
- Isn't it possible to acquire parts from HK that makes your MP5 shoot either a 2 shot or a 3 shot burst.
- Will you in the name of reality remove the possibility to set team dammage to something else than 100%.
Thank you for your work. I'm /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif that Inf stays close to the community.
[This message has been edited by Billdog (edited 09-02-1999).]