River & Street Fighter?

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Never heard of these maps. Could someone tell me where to get them? (Not on Nalicity)
Are they any good?

By the way I sure am glad to see DM_DEATHZONE on map depot. I was begining to think I was the only one that thought Beepo's mod was any good:>


DM StreetFighter is a good map. I think I got it from one of the two map packs in the dowload section of the INF website. Its also in the SOB FTP website under files. I dropped it in there. U can find the url in the SOB server name. Its a great map. Oh and River map sux. Its like BlairWoods on heroin /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif.


Yeah, I made StreetFighter! Didn't know coders could map didya? huh? HUH? /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

Kinda sucks they aren't running it on SOB Standoff (at least not to my knowledge). One thing that sucks is if you install that map it uses a smaller Urban.utx that can overwrite the big version of that texture map that other maps use. It was a mistake I will never live down /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif


Really? It replaces them? I thought it would just give you that Version Mismatch error....Or are you talking about during installation, about people replacing the old one with the version that comes with StreetFighter?



Your right its a very very good map. But ur right about that version mismatch sh!t. That f%king sux. I have several maps that wont work when you have to overight a texture for another /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif. I even told the SOB people to play that map, and i dropped it in their FTP site, but i think that urban.utx mistake will really ruin the chances of that happening.


Lol! Well, I fixed the streetfighter problem by removing the urban package from the zip file... Of, course, those of you that don't have urban file will have to look for it elsewhere, but odds are you already have it. (It comes with A LOT of popular maps) So look for it on our map lists page and FTP server.