Review: UBomb

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New Member
Jul 7, 2001
Hamburg, Germany
[ Transcript of review for UBomb | Posted by Jesco on 2002-11-24 | Score: 7.3 ]
UBomb is a unique mod that brings back memories of CTF. In the mod, you and your team have to search around a map in search of bomb parts. Meanwhile, others are doing the same thing, so there will be fierce competition for the three bomb parts. Once you get a bomb part, you have to bring it back to your base, and if you bring all three pieces to your base, you get a bomb. The bomb has a timer, whose time is based upon the level designer´s input. You have to reach another team´s base, where the bomb will explode, before the timer runs out. If you do not deliver the bomb within the time, it will explode.

There are a couple added twists to the mod. First, enemies can steal your captured bomb parts, so try to have someone guarding the base at all times. Second, the bomb parts have cons of their own. The Core deals one damage every two seconds to the person carrying it. The Detonator causes the carrier to move at 2/3 rate. The last piece, the Logic Device, can only be dropped three times before it respawns at it´s starting location. Finally, the third twist is that the bomb pieces spawn in random positions, which makes games more varied.

Good mod but...
The mod is good, but there are a couple things that can make it a lot better. Bot support has not been implemented yet, which is basically a necessity now since there are very few servers hosting this mod. Also, there is only one map for the mod, but that can be easily fixed. The great part of this map is that it supports 4 teams, and bases not occupied are dark and shut down. Overall, the mod is fun to play for a couple games, but the lack of bot support and maps greatly hinders the replay value. Luckily, GoreMaster is looking to add bot support in a future version, but please make sure they work well. Bots that play poorly basically defeats the purpose of having bots in the first place.

-Peter Yu