[ Transcript of review for Mutator Toolbox | Posted by Shuri on 2003-06-09 | Score: 9 ]
<b>Tweak it</b>
Lots of people like tweaking things to suit their style. These tweaks are probably tweaks to Windows, but why not tweak Unreal Tournament to suit your needs? Mutator Toolbox is a mutator that allows you to tweak many settings. Anything from the amount of ammo per ammo pack to the rate weapons and items respawn. If you want to tweak UT, this is the mutator to get.
-Peter Yu
Note that this version of Mutator Toolbox only works on lower versions of UT. Download <a href="http://www.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?/planetunreal/modsquad/Mutators/mtb-fix.zip">this file</a> so that it can work properly with UT 436.
(Review transferred from Modsquad 1)