[ Transcript of review for Mercury Missile with Instagib | Posted by Nemephosis on 2003-05-18 | Score: 8.5 ]
The Mercury Missile weapon debuted in UT1 as a single weapon, and turned into the amazing RocketsUT. Now we have the Mercury Missile for UT2K3, as a single weapon. Will history repeat itself? I sure as hell hope so.
The Mercury Missile this time around comes with a few new gadgets to play around with. Press primary fire to issue forth a fast rocket that can be rather hard to dodge at anything closer than medium range.Press the secondary button to zoom. It will automatically zoom to the “recommended” zoom level for the distance you are firing at. However, hidden in the secondary mode is a small menu, used by the F1 to F5 keys. Hold secondary while operatig this menu. You’ll find some options:
Toggle this Menu: Turns help on or off.
Toggle Instant Zoom: Turn this on to enable auto-zooming. While holding secondary to zoom, the zoom level will change to “recommended” setting for the distance you are aiming at. If you look around, your zoom will be “locked” at that level. However with this on, it will change the zoom level depending on where you are aiming and you no longer have to hold the button to zoom. Hard to explain, just check it for yourself. You’ll get it.
Toggle Auto Zoom mode: This stops your zoom level at an appropriate level, depending on your distance. If off, your zoom level is always 3.
Toggle Zoom Display: shows your zoom multiplier.
Toggle movement prediction indicator: When you zoom, there is a box outlining all players, and shows how far they are away. There is also a circle that predicts where they will end up when they jump, move, etc. There’s an option to toggle it but I don’t think it works right now so it is always on.
There’s also an Instagib version that does pretty much the same stuff, but kills in one hit.
Overall this gets an 8.5. It’s fun fun fun and a good alternative to the Rocket Launcher/Instagib Rifle.
This could be the start of something big for UT2K3, just like it was for UT. Time will tell.
Bonus: activate both of the first two zoom options to get a “classic” UT sniper rifle like zoom mode.