[ Transcript of review for LMS Assault 21 | Posted by Shuri on 2003-06-12 | Score: 9.1 ]
<b>Small Bigman</b>
LMS Assault introduced a simple concept to the default UT Assault mode that radically altered the way Assault was played. It gave everybody a limited amount of lives, so now, instead of charging into the enemy base guns ablazing you have to use teamwork and make each death count. It's amazing how such a little concept can have such a huge effect.
<b>The Final Chapter</b>
This release of LMS Assault is said to be the last release of the mutator. At least it now has a menu, something that I wanted from the very beginning of LMS Assault. The included menu is nicely laid out and easy to use. By using the menu, you can set X amount of lives for a specific map, or you can just set a default amount of deaths for every map.
<b>Time to d/l</b>
LMS Assault is an awesome mutator that definitely got better as time went on. It is something that I think everyone should get. Most of you who are reading this review probably love Assault, so what are you waiting for? Get downloading!
-Peter Yu
(Review transferred from Modsquad 1)