Review: FFOldSkool

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New Member
Jul 7, 2001
Hamburg, Germany
[ Transcript of review for FFOldSkool | Posted by AnarKi on 2002-12-31 | Score: 8 ]
Fish Face?? Hehehe
FFOldSkool basically is what it says. It’s a mod that gives you some of the weapons from the original Unreal. Notably 2 flak cannons and the minigun. They've all been changed in some way.

The first is the 1st flak cannon, which is now a strange purpley see through color. This fires little green blobs on the 1st fire button and on the alternate fire, it charges up the blobs. Harmless, like the Bio Rifle, you may say. I think NOT! The bastard, upon hitting any object, explodes into a flurry of shock rifle blasts and the instagib rifle blasts. Plus, the radius of the blasts is enough to waste an entire assault group (note: NEVER play with AS-OverLord)

The second weapon is another flak cannon. This, like the other, is also modeled on the original Unreal Flak cannon. This time it’s a red see through color. This thing is deadly too. It fires missals capable of your control. It has a little targeting laser which when you move the sights, causes the missals you fire to go in that direction. The secondary fire allows the targeting laser to be turned off so you can just use it like a rocket launcher.

The 3rd and final weapon is the Minigun. This thing is damn cool. Upon picking it up it appears almost above your head. This is because it has not been deployed yet. Upon deployment it act very much like a huge gattling gun. You cannot move and therefore you become an easy target. On the whole,

Final thoughts
FFOldSkool is pretty damn cool. Also. For some extra fun, type in summon FFOldSkool.orca on a level like Face or Lavagiant. Fun for all.
