[ Transcript of review for Conquest Marines Beta | Posted by Vlosk on 2003-07-11 | Score: 7 ]
Conquest Marines Beta
When I think of UT, or even UT2003 for that matter, usually what comes to mind is tight combat in primarily indoor environments. This is anything but Conquest Marines, for this mod offers huge maps; class based combat, and some rather well made vehicles. However, for all the really cool features and additions, this release is still in the beta stage, and expectedly, there are still the bugs which go with such a release. These bugs are fairly minor, and instead of anything critical, it’s more a conglomeration of issues which seem to take away the polish, and little else. CM as it stands now is above average, but from the potential I can see in this beta, the final version is going to kick some serious ass!
From what I can tell, there are three demo vehicles in this beta; a hove bike, a hover tank, and a gun turret. The models for all three are A , and they all work very well; my only issue is there were a couple of really annoying collision anomalies in which my bike got stuck for no apparent reason, my tank couldn’t cross a bridge for no apparent reason, or my bike got eaten by a tank (sucked inside with no way out) for no apparent reason. The way I see it, they should either add a reason for these events, or call them bugs and deal with the appropriately. Still, the handling is really slick for these vehicles, when not running into invisible walls-0-doom, and the hover tank even has an independently controlled turret. However, where the vehicles themselves are damn cool without question, I feel that the weapons they contain could deal with some serious revision; a giant flak shell clone is ok, but for each and every large projectile, it gets old fast… (*cough* Big laser *cough*)
The class system is fairly straight foreword; at the beginning of each spawn you choose to be a marine, sniper, rocketeer, or tech. Unfortunately, the Loadout that goes with this system is rather unstable, as until just 5 minutes ago I thought they had no sniper rifle; indeed as a sniper it spawned me with the marine guns. Perhaps I am not using this interface right, but I think it could either be made more intuitive, or more stable, if the layout is as I understand it too be. As for other differences in the classes, I can’t find too much quite yet, but it looks like they have plans for this in the future so I will keep my eye out.
When you jump from a 2-story height, do your knees bend brining you closer to the ground? On the same note, after such a drop, do you move at the same speed you always do without pause? Basic tweaks to the universe are as important a feature to the game as the hovertank; there are so many little bits of work that I really have to offer my congratulations to the coders of the CM team. From the rotating map in the corner of the screen to the use of dynamic bar-scales to show health, there is a lot of subtle eye candy behind the tanks and hills. To have a tank is one thing, but its completely another to have a tank with a status showing the turret orientation, a rotating map showing your location and heading, and a status bar showing speed and munitions.
Where CM has features that match or better many professional games in development or already released, there is also a couple of areas which are painfully lacking. I hope and pray these are addressed before the final release, as so much of what I see is wickedly amazing. What’s missing is a general lack of polish in the visual department, and a whole lot of work in the AI department. Though I’m sure a game like this is better online, I still prefer to have the odd botmatch, and thus I like bots to actually work. They ignored my orders, and instead liked to hang around their own base. Occasionally a bot would drift off towards the enemy base, but it would be quickly slaughtered for this anomalous behavior. Also, I watched a most amusing event; I saw a bot on the red team walk up and blow the brains out of another red bot… and just like the vehicle problems, for no apparent reason. Though this was amusing to watch, I have to think it’s more a bug than a feature. As for the environments themselves, part of me loved them, and part hated them. The scale seems about 3x too large, though this may be my going round in circles coupled with a general lack of bots wishing to explore the world. And beyond the scale, there where quite a few rendering glitches; coplanar polies shimmering, and a weird occlusion issue with the fog, which though common in many games, still looks like ass. (Giant Mountain, fading into the mist, suddenly vanishing…). Also, lighting was very inconsistent, not in the ambient sense, but that you had one hill bright touching one hill dark, both with the same grass texture… Should just the glitches be repaired, and a little more detail added to the bases, I’m sure that the maps demoed in the CM beta will easily hold up to anything in UT2k3 Vanilla, or in games such as Planeside or Tribes2.
All in all, CM looks to be diamond in the rough. Painful beta issues, though not critical, suck the life out of the game and force me to say it deserves a meager 7.0; however should these be addressed, and more wickedly made features added, this game here is a 10.0 in the making. If you have broadband, I suggest giving CM a try; otherwise wait for a more complete version.
P.S. To the coders of the CM team: Kudos on the rotating textures, and really wicked tank.