[ Transcript of review for Akimbo Arena | Posted by Shuri on 2003-11-09 | Score: 8.2 ]
Akimbo weapons - holding two, one in each hand. UT had dual enforcers, but UT2003 doesn't have any akimbo weapons - until this mutator came along at least. There are three mutators included, and I'll go over each in turn.
<b>Akimbo Assault Rifles</b>
Gameplay is exactly the same as regular play, with one major exception - instead of the lone Assault Rifle you usually spawn with, you have 2. While this might be overpowering, it is very fun - one assault rifle feels weak, but two is the exact opposite. Great fun, but it kind of eliminates the need for a Minigun.
<b>Akimbo InstaGib</b>
I find this pointless, but I'm not an InstaGib fan . Basically regular IG gameplay, but two guns instead of one. They shoot alternately, and it's slightly more fun than regular IG, but not much.
<b>Akimbo Arena</b>
The main mutator. In a brilliant change to the normal game, if you pick up a weapon you already have, you now have two of them. Not only can you see them both in first person, but you can actually see when other people have two guns as well - it looks kind of dumb thanks to the player model animations (one gun points through the other), but at least you can see when they have twice the firepower.
Wielding two guns at once is very fun, with every weapon. From the rapid firing twin BioRifles to the mega-spam double Flak Cannons, it feels great - much more powerful compared to just having one weapon.
The one main thing lacking would be the ability to have two different guns out - new bindings could be introduced which deal with changing the left and right weapon seperately. That way you could become hitscan king with Shock Rifle and Lighting Gun at the same time, or use a Rocket Launcher with the Flak for ultra power
These mutators add another dimension of fun to the game, and I definately recommend trying them to anyone.