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Just a question with the targeting system in 3.0-it says that the circle/diamond increases in size at times when you can't aim as well-is it just the size of it increases and you always shoot at the center, or is it something like your shot will go *somewhere* within the reticle? If you just shoot at the center of the crosshairs, then that doesn't hurt you very much. You don't even need a reticle for some of the guns-i have mine turned off to make it a little more realistic. Well that's about it, good job on Infiltration guys, my roommate and I have been addicted for the past few weeks and can't wait for version3.


The aiming system to my understanding will be similar to that of the one in Rainbow Six. A center crosshair or circle is provided as the player moves, runs, turns quickly the area in which the shot can go will increase.

So basically yes, the shot will go 'somewhere' within the circle, just to portray loss of accuracy.


The way R6 appears to work is that accuracy isa partly you and partly the weapon. The expanded crosshairs mean that there is more fuzziness to where you are actually going to hit.

--an armed society is a
polite society-


See what I mean Warren, if you specified the features more you'd have to update the roadmap every time catalyst and you had a chat.