Result of GETAXES

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New Member
Oct 19, 2001
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Hi @all,

when i use the function getaxes, i will get 3 vectors..
i.e GETAXES(playerpawn(Owner).Viewrotation, X,Y,Z)
GETAXES(rotation, out vector,out vector,out vector)

but what will the 3 vectors say?
or why will i get back vectors and not absulute value which pointing in x,y or z direction?
In which direction will the vector pointing?

I´ve read in a tutorial
x: (left/right) y: (forward/backward) z:(up/down)

when i plot the vectors values on my hud, ervery value on every vector will change permanent. How must i understand this when i have only 2 directions (i.e. left/right)?

I hope that anyone can understand my problem...

Thanks very much


Last of the Brunnen G
Jul 15, 2001
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You give getaxes a rotator, and it returns the 3 orthogonal vectors of it.
X is pointing in the same direction as the rotation ( as a vector ). Y points:

-----------------> Y

And Z points upwards, so it stands 90° on the X and Y vectors.