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New Member
Mar 30, 2011
Is there any way to edit the respawn time, so that all players and AI's cannot respawn for 3 seconds after they are killed?


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
I don't but I should know. Shame on me.

I am surprised there is not a Mutator that gives the host the option to set a death penalty delay on the respawns. It would help a bunch, especially on CTF maps.

I Host primarily CTF, and on maps such as: CTF-(GU)-Pooltable-(2K4).ut2, all the spawns are in the little room where the fagbays are. Unfortunately he has the AI's all set to guard, and instantly respawning a few feet from the flag. That means with my minimum players set to 6 and AI's set to fill in for players when there is less than 3 on 3, you frequently have two AI guards in a 12 x 12 foot room with the flag, respawning instantly. You can charge into that room, kill all enemy and never get out of that room because of the instantanious respawns. Once in a great while someone can get LUCKY and make the turn out the door before getting shot in the back; so it is winable, but even then, the score usually ends 1 to 0.

I personally think a 3 second delay before respawn penalty, is a very reasonable penalty for getting killed. It would give the flag carrier a fighting chance in those kind of maps, and make scoring much higher and competitive; instead of the winner got the lucky break.

Please, if someone can, make a mutator that gives the host the option to set the respawn penalty time.


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
THEY DO HAVE A MUTATOR THAT CAUSES A 6-7 SECOND DELAY BEFORE THE AIs RESPAWN. It is called "Slow Motion Corpses", and I had never tried it before. The AIs, usually ride out the entire slow motion flip in the air which takes 6-7 seconds. They respawn when their corpse hits the ground. I LIKE IT! That gives me time to get out of the flag bay room and turn a corner, instead of being back shot by a respawning AI that I shot less than half a second ago. :)