Reseting Server - will this work?

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May 13, 2002
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I was reading about creating a text file with a series of commands then calling it with a bind with an exec command.

One example has the file with this in it. )Not my example got this off a site.

say 1v1 dm
adminlogin passformyserver
admin set engine.gameinfo maxspectators 10
admin set engine.gameinfo maxplayers 2
admin set engine.gameinfo bNoCheating true
admin set engine.gameinfo bAllowFOV false
admin set engine.gameinfo bMuteSpectators false
admin set engine.gameinfo bNoMonsters true
admin set engine.gameinfo GameSpeed 1.000000
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus AirControl 0.350000
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bHardCoreMode true
admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo ServerName I don't read docs 1v1 DM
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bMultiWeaponStay true
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus btournament true
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bplayersbalanceteams false
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bForceRespawn false
admin servertravel DM-Turbine.unr?game=Botpack.DeathMatchPlus?

The file was called 1v1dm.txt

Then an alias

Aliases[XX]=(Command="exec 1v1dm.txt",Alias=1v1dm)

Then a bind for the alias.

Is it possible to have the command for a server reset in the text file then bound. An Admin would just have to log as a Admin and hit the bind. Would save trying to remeber the entire command.

Just wondering.


Jan 27, 2002
i'm not sure of what you mean, but can't you test that by starting a server?

(i often test my maps by launching a dedicated LAN server and then joining it on the same machine. it really works like a "real" server. with adminlogin and everything)


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May 13, 2002
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Should have made it clearer but I rushed the explaination. ;) Trying to get back to the game before Aeigs yelled at me and yell at my brother in-law.

So here is the english version.

Create a text file in the UT\SYSTEM directory. Call it serverreset.txt

Add your command:

Admin switchlevel (mapname?game=gametype?mutator=mutator)

Whatever the parameters are change them.

When you want to execute the command log in as an Admin and in the console type EXEC serverreset.txt

It should execute the command. I am told any command you can type in console should work.

Then my little brain got thinking. You can execute an EXEC command with a bind. So maybe bind it. Then I got to thinking maybe you can do something like this:

In the text file: serverreset.txt

Admin switchlevel (mapname?game=gametype?mutator=mutator)

I plan to test it hopefully tonight.

Console Commands from Epic

Console commands from an FAQ

I had another so call bright idea to allow some trusted non admins to reset be realized a serious security hole. If you really want to know I could explain it but its not pretty. ;)


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May 13, 2002
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Ok came across this at

EXEC <filename>
This function can be used to run a local script containing console commands located within the Game/System directory by default. If this command is prefixed with ADMIN then the script must be located on the server. This function is useful if you wish to configure a server quickly. You can prepare as script with all of the admin commands needed to set up the server as required and then simply EXEC it from the command line when you join the server.

Its seems it does work.

So it seems that the text file needs to be on the server and in my example the command may be: ADMIN EXEC serverreset.txt

PS this site is mixing UT and UT2003 material. They usually say if something works only on one engine but things may slip.
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May 13, 2002
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The reason I asked a question is that I thought it would be simple for a server admin to do the following.

Create a text file called serverreset.txt in the system directory on their server.

In that file type Admin switchlevel (mapname?game=gametype?mutator=mutator) - of course putting in the correct settings. This should be the same as the command you type to reset the server manually.

When you need to reset the server become an admin and type: ADMIN EXEC serverreset.txt

Why would you want to do this. Simply because the last few times I watched someone reset the server it was painful. With the number of mutators running typos happened all the time. If the person reseting doesn't to it often like the other night it takes forover. They had to get someone else to come in and do it.

Just setup this command and anyone who can be Admin can do it with one simple command of only a few characters.