I was reading about creating a text file with a series of commands then calling it with a bind with an exec command.
One example has the file with this in it. )Not my example got this off a site.
say 1v1 dm
adminlogin passformyserver
admin set engine.gameinfo maxspectators 10
admin set engine.gameinfo maxplayers 2
admin set engine.gameinfo bNoCheating true
admin set engine.gameinfo bAllowFOV false
admin set engine.gameinfo bMuteSpectators false
admin set engine.gameinfo bNoMonsters true
admin set engine.gameinfo GameSpeed 1.000000
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus AirControl 0.350000
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bHardCoreMode true
admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo ServerName I don't read docs 1v1 DM
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bMultiWeaponStay true
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus btournament true
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bplayersbalanceteams false
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bForceRespawn false
admin servertravel DM-Turbine.unr?game=Botpack.DeathMatchPlus?
The file was called 1v1dm.txt
Then an alias
Aliases[XX]=(Command="exec 1v1dm.txt",Alias=1v1dm)
Then a bind for the alias.
Is it possible to have the command for a server reset in the text file then bound. An Admin would just have to log as a Admin and hit the bind. Would save trying to remeber the entire command.
Just wondering.
One example has the file with this in it. )Not my example got this off a site.
say 1v1 dm
adminlogin passformyserver
admin set engine.gameinfo maxspectators 10
admin set engine.gameinfo maxplayers 2
admin set engine.gameinfo bNoCheating true
admin set engine.gameinfo bAllowFOV false
admin set engine.gameinfo bMuteSpectators false
admin set engine.gameinfo bNoMonsters true
admin set engine.gameinfo GameSpeed 1.000000
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus AirControl 0.350000
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bHardCoreMode true
admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo ServerName I don't read docs 1v1 DM
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bMultiWeaponStay true
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus btournament true
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bplayersbalanceteams false
admin set Botpack.DeathMatchPlus bForceRespawn false
admin servertravel DM-Turbine.unr?game=Botpack.DeathMatchPlus?
The file was called 1v1dm.txt
Then an alias
Aliases[XX]=(Command="exec 1v1dm.txt",Alias=1v1dm)
Then a bind for the alias.
Is it possible to have the command for a server reset in the text file then bound. An Admin would just have to log as a Admin and hit the bind. Would save trying to remeber the entire command.
Just wondering.