Hit point based systems are unrealistic and in general suck. The idea that you continue to function at nearly 100% effectivness and then someone hits you with a rock and you die is stupid. My suggestions will in all likelyhood for the most part not be implementable under the current engine so I make them with the idea that they could be used later.
First off scrap hit points. A thousand scratches would be uncomforable but wouldn't kill you (though blood loss might). Of course any realistic wound system will require a somewhat accurate hit location system but those alread exist for INF. Wounds would come in 3 basic classes light, serious, and critical. Light wounds would not affect the combat effectivness of the soldier but might result in some blood loss depending on the stress the soldier was under such as running or jogging. Serious wounds would have much higher chance of serious blood loss as well as impairing the soldier's combat effetivness. Critical wounds will kill, incapacitate, cripple, or cause very serious bleeding.
Examples of various wounds are as follows:
Light: scratches, bruises, having the wind knocked out of you. Generaly recoverable and will have a low effect on the soldier in the long run. Moderatly high falls, bullet grazes, hit on armour with an unarmed 40mm, etc.
Serious: Bullet wounds to non-vital areas, hit with a 40mm in a non-armoured spot (stomache, chest etc.), fairly high falls, etc. Results may include sprained ankle, blood loss, partial loss of the use of a limb, possible fatal blood loss if untreated
Critical. Bullet to the head heart or vital organ, very high fall, hit to major blood vessle, 40mm to the head (unarmoured), bullet hits (and shatters) major bone or spine. Results might be death, useless limb, loss of conciousness, massive blood loss, etc.
The point of all this is that a bullet to the brain or heart will always kill regardless of caliber and a graze will cause little damage regardless of caliber. Caliber will have a much greater effect on the serious/critical area. A large caliber serious wound has a much greater chance of dropping the combat effectivness of the wounded soldier.
First off scrap hit points. A thousand scratches would be uncomforable but wouldn't kill you (though blood loss might). Of course any realistic wound system will require a somewhat accurate hit location system but those alread exist for INF. Wounds would come in 3 basic classes light, serious, and critical. Light wounds would not affect the combat effectivness of the soldier but might result in some blood loss depending on the stress the soldier was under such as running or jogging. Serious wounds would have much higher chance of serious blood loss as well as impairing the soldier's combat effetivness. Critical wounds will kill, incapacitate, cripple, or cause very serious bleeding.
Examples of various wounds are as follows:
Light: scratches, bruises, having the wind knocked out of you. Generaly recoverable and will have a low effect on the soldier in the long run. Moderatly high falls, bullet grazes, hit on armour with an unarmed 40mm, etc.
Serious: Bullet wounds to non-vital areas, hit with a 40mm in a non-armoured spot (stomache, chest etc.), fairly high falls, etc. Results may include sprained ankle, blood loss, partial loss of the use of a limb, possible fatal blood loss if untreated
Critical. Bullet to the head heart or vital organ, very high fall, hit to major blood vessle, 40mm to the head (unarmoured), bullet hits (and shatters) major bone or spine. Results might be death, useless limb, loss of conciousness, massive blood loss, etc.
The point of all this is that a bullet to the brain or heart will always kill regardless of caliber and a graze will cause little damage regardless of caliber. Caliber will have a much greater effect on the serious/critical area. A large caliber serious wound has a much greater chance of dropping the combat effectivness of the wounded soldier.