** n00b alert **
Is there anyway of renaming the bones in UnrealEd?
The reason I ask is this. I am trying to create a player model using maya. I would like to use some of the default animations from the game.
So far so good. The problem is the game character's skeletons use spaces. Maya doesnt support spaces. So I have checked underscores to spaces in actorX options.
My animations work. Play the game.
Great, no weapons. The default skeleton uses Bone_weapon. And actorX has just replaced all the underscores with spaces. Please tell me there is a way to change this bone name in UnrealEd.
I'm no animator, so there is no way I create all those animations by my self.
It's almost like they made the skeletons maya proof, even though they gave the software away with the game.
Is there anyway of renaming the bones in UnrealEd?
The reason I ask is this. I am trying to create a player model using maya. I would like to use some of the default animations from the game.
So far so good. The problem is the game character's skeletons use spaces. Maya doesnt support spaces. So I have checked underscores to spaces in actorX options.
My animations work. Play the game.
Great, no weapons. The default skeleton uses Bone_weapon. And actorX has just replaced all the underscores with spaces. Please tell me there is a way to change this bone name in UnrealEd.
I'm no animator, so there is no way I create all those animations by my self.
It's almost like they made the skeletons maya proof, even though they gave the software away with the game.