Well, It's time to say that Planet Infiltration is open! It's technically been open since April, but seeing as I havn't exactly had time to work on it much more than it has been, I decided to just to open it up and announce it now.
PlanetInfiltration is an all-encompassing site regarding Infiltration, trying to help both the new player and the veteran get the most out of their Infiltration experience. Currently, bandwidth is too limited to offer downloads of the game itself, but it is capable of handling smaller downloads, especially mutators. It contains a few FAQs regarding the game, its origins, and most importantly, the community.
For a small community, we are rather fractured. With this site, I hope to at least have a place dedicated to the game that people can have access to, without any political standpoints. I know there are many people out there that are not fans of these forums, yet so much important information is said here. This information can be gathered and archived on PlanetInfiltration and then kept easilly accessible.
Planet Infiltration will be host to several small projects and groups that have existed before. Project Infiltration, the old user-made-addon assistance site originally started by BrownCow and myself back in the day will find a semi-home here. The Infiltration Forumers, aka, those people who wear the (IF) tag like me, FAQ and information will be posted there. There's only a few of us left, but as always, if you are an Infiltration Forumer and Infiltration Addict, feel free to use (IF) in front, or at the end, of your name and show your forum pride. Er...well...it shows something, anyway
Future plans include mapping/EAS tutorials, information on making soundpacks, infiltration-specific mutators, compiling UScript with Infiltration, camos, and anything related to enhancing Infiltration. If you want it, request it! If you've written it already and would like it hosted somewhere, submit it, and we'll get it up ASAP.
Finally, I'm happy to accept any personnel assistance. A single news reporter isn't always able to get everything
Also, thanks to postnuke, any users may submit news stories, clan site updates, clan reports, clan recruitment announcements, or any other Infiltration-related news. I'm also willing to host mutators, new maps (sorry, I can't archive old ones on this site, bandwidth and space limitations), infiltration related files, (with some work, if there's demand) infiltration-related webpages, infiltration-related projects, or Infiltration fansites. If you're related with Infiltration in any way, we want you. Especially if you're willing to look for Inf-related news and report on it!
Planet Infiltration. Your Infiltration Community Resource.
PlanetInfiltration is an all-encompassing site regarding Infiltration, trying to help both the new player and the veteran get the most out of their Infiltration experience. Currently, bandwidth is too limited to offer downloads of the game itself, but it is capable of handling smaller downloads, especially mutators. It contains a few FAQs regarding the game, its origins, and most importantly, the community.
For a small community, we are rather fractured. With this site, I hope to at least have a place dedicated to the game that people can have access to, without any political standpoints. I know there are many people out there that are not fans of these forums, yet so much important information is said here. This information can be gathered and archived on PlanetInfiltration and then kept easilly accessible.
Planet Infiltration will be host to several small projects and groups that have existed before. Project Infiltration, the old user-made-addon assistance site originally started by BrownCow and myself back in the day will find a semi-home here. The Infiltration Forumers, aka, those people who wear the (IF) tag like me, FAQ and information will be posted there. There's only a few of us left, but as always, if you are an Infiltration Forumer and Infiltration Addict, feel free to use (IF) in front, or at the end, of your name and show your forum pride. Er...well...it shows something, anyway
Future plans include mapping/EAS tutorials, information on making soundpacks, infiltration-specific mutators, compiling UScript with Infiltration, camos, and anything related to enhancing Infiltration. If you want it, request it! If you've written it already and would like it hosted somewhere, submit it, and we'll get it up ASAP.
Finally, I'm happy to accept any personnel assistance. A single news reporter isn't always able to get everything
Planet Infiltration. Your Infiltration Community Resource.
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