Religion - dangerous psychological disease?

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The Gravedigger

New Member
Nov 25, 1999
I cannot respect anyone with religious "beliefs". I find it sad, and I feel sorry for people who have so little hope and self-respect that they must pretend things exist that don't, and get robbed by corrupt and fanatical religious zealots.

Can we say Cable TV?


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Dec 6, 1999
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I agree in there anyone sadder than the people who mail their paychecks away to the church people on TV?..and have you ever seen that lady with the pink hair? she fricking scary or what?

On a related note's pretty depressing/scary to think of a world without a god..what happens to you when you die?..its just over?'re never conscious or aware again?..while that wouldn't be painful because you would be's nearly impossible to to comprehend as a living person..

The other thing that makes me believe there must be a god or WAS a god at some point is this:

How do you explain how it all started?

The formation of the the universe, solar systems planets etc. and life on earth can all be explained by science..the big bang..evolution of life etc...and this is all're kidding yourself if you don't believe it

But how do you explain why anything was there in first place?..where did the first matter come from that started the big bang? can't just say it was always there..

So there has to be a god...but whats the point..why have a universe at all?...well i think it was a good idea..and the life part is nice too (sometimes)


- "Orenthal_James" the 56Killer In UT land -- The search for the real killer has come to an end.

[This message has been edited by FenderTX (edited 03-02-2000).]

The Gravedigger

New Member
Nov 25, 1999
Ok, so now I say "prove there is a god".

But... how very convenient... your god says that he won't ever prove he exists and you just gotta believe some book written by 12 different people.


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Nov 10, 1999
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Prove you exist. I see your posts but are you real? Prove the wind exists. I hear and see its impact on the earth but I can't see it in and of itself. Prove there is God? Prove that he isn't.

Ford Scrote

New Member
Feb 9, 2000
Are you being deliberately obnoxious? I suspect you are.

Who the f u[ ck are you to say that what ppl believe in is wrong?

What do you believe in? yourself? you don't stand much hope there then do you?

It's ppl like you that f u ck up the world. If everyone just respected what other ppl believed in then the whole place would be much better.

Religion has never been a bad thing - it has brought ppl together - given them hope in life. It is the MISUSE of religion - i.e. i'm killing you in the name of God - that has ballsed things up.

The point you seem to miss is FAITH. Perhaps you just don't get it and never will.

It's not a matter of proving to ppl like you that God exists, it's a matter for ppl like you to prove that s/he doesn't.

It is for an individual to make that decision - not some f u ckwit like you to make it for them.



New Member
Nov 24, 1999
katy, tx
Visit site young Scrote....well said. Well said indeed.

Religion is biblicaly defined as man adding anything to the plan of God and you see it almost everywhere.

So our informed friend has accidentally helped my position
Sorry GD..I know you dangled the carrot but I agree with you..thanks for taking my


Strong Cock of The North
May 25, 1999
Tokyo, JP
What I don't understand is the people that don't belive in God. Why do you try so hard to prove that there is no God. You're not going to change us so why bother.


I'll eat your gun lead and sh*t out No.2 pencils!

The Gravedigger

New Member
Nov 25, 1999
Ok, how's about this.

If Incest is a "Deadly Sin" or whatever, then who did Adam & Eve's kids reproduce with?

I don't think you can answer that can you?


Truth, by Banksy
Nov 10, 1999
London, UK
I'm not religious - never have been, never will be. I can't stand organised religion and really don't see the point of it all.


I realise that other people have religious beliefs and I respect that. I won't think of anyone differently or something if they happen to be religious.

Actually, in the Personal Details section of my diary where it says "Religion" I put down "hockey". That's just me though /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

Besides, some churches have some absolutely beautiful architecture.


Exit light. Enter night - Metallica.

Ford Scrote

New Member
Feb 9, 2000
[sarcastic mode]

Wow! Well done, you've won the argument. You're great! Perhaps you ought to be god?

[/sarcastic mode] - don't you love xml /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

Is that the best argument you can come up with? I can see the headlines now:

Gravedigger undermines world religions with amazing new discovery!

[sarc. mode] because no one will have thought of that one before [/sarc mode]

Not being a theologian, i'm not well positioned to give a 'religious' response. So i will give you an irreligious one:

self deleted because it really wasn't very constructive.

but with all this questioning of religion, perhaps you're searching for the answers?
are you a lost soul? wandering in the darkness pleaing for help? i wonder. keep reading your bible m8, perhaps you'll be convinced /~unreal/ubb/html/wink.gif i think cain and abel come after Adam and Eve.


P.S. Not being that religious myself, i can't recall what the seven deadly sins are. but my recollection of the film Seven certainly didn't include incest as one of them.


Smile! it might not happen and you might get a shag instead.


Unemployed Loser
Jan 18, 2000
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Heh Grave...aren't you the one who posted the anti American thread?

Between that one and this one, whew, I just don't know what to say.


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
Hey, whatever floats yer boat.
If religion gives you that mental crutch you need, go for it.
If atheism lets you fly with the seagulls, then more power to ya, but unless the Jesusites come knocking at your door at 6:30 a.m. don't sweat it. They don't bother you in general, so don't bother them.

The only thing that I really don't like is the way many christians are offended by others' religion, yet feel proud brandishing their own.

Case in point: Friend is wearing a penticle at her job. The new girl starts making a stink about how she finds it offensive (she was also confusing wiccanism with satanism) and demands Katt (my friend) remove the charm from view.
Then this girl doesn't get it when Katt asked her to please remove the cross from around her neck.

As Katt put it: "Of course I find christians offensive! I'm wiccan! You're people burned mine, not the other way around!"

I just think that people (whatever their beliefs) should be more considerate of others' beliefs. If someone doesn't want to hear about your god, don't push it on them. If you don't want to hear about another's god, then as long as you can avoid it, just don't look at it.

Case in point: When Taskmaster posts something about his god, if you find it offensive, then DON'T READ IT!


"Where's the BACTINE?! Some of this blood is MINE!!" -- JTHM


New Member
Nov 24, 1999
katy, tx
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I answered that incest thing in another thread.
Its not incest the way we think incest is when you are doing it to perpetuate the human race.
If your doing it just to screw your little sister that thats incest.
God is concerned more about what you think while you are doing something that the act itself.....thus perpetuation of man is not the same as incest as we relate to it today.
They guy that gives$10k to charity and we all think hes a nice guy but there are many reasons why people give to charity and some are wrong reasons in God's viewpoint..such as to relieve guilty consciences or earn brownie point favors in man's or God's follow?
Sheeezzz...why dont you study the Bible correctly instead of run it down? You certainly could stand to gain from whats doubt...might even learn something.



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Nov 10, 1999
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Boy you guys post some good levelheaded stuff. Chryst is right. IMHO. Why can't we accept the fact that people will believe different. I believe in God as in The Bible. One of the things taught in the Bible is God made man with a will. So if man chooses to deny Gods existence that is his right. I am not even going to get into why I believe in my God. I just do. I understand Graves point about scam artists. They rob people of money in the name of religion. That doesn't make them a true Christian. If I put on a police uniform go to your door get your trust and rob you. Does that mean Cops are bad? Of course not because I wasn't even a real officer. The same with these scam artists. They are not Christians they are crooks plain and simple so come on. Ok here how about this Did Adam have a belly button? Who cares right? If you don't want people to believe in any god or have any kind of faith it won’t work. People in the past have proved they will die for their faith. No questions asked.


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Nov 24, 1999
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Logically thinking, I would say that Adam and Eve were most likely genetically perfect (God made them personally). So their immediate offspring would not have suffered too much chromasonal(?) damage that would cause much of a problem in their offspring. So, likely the forbidding of incest later on, had more to do with preserving the genetic health of the human race. The bible does not say that Adam had intercourse with any of his daughters, and once again, it is logical that any genetic defect a parent has would be very much amplified if that parent procreates with a child carrying the same defect.
So, I would argue that the laws against incest arose because of a physical neccessity that God understood, not because there is some COSMIC significance to who we have sex with.


okay, let's get one thing straight...religion is and was created by humans. Religion is a set of rules or guidelines established by a mortal power to control the daily beliefs and aspects of the follower's physical and mental lives. When asked by the sadducees (sp) which commandment was the most important, Jesus replied; "I only give you this commandment...Love thy nieghbor as you love yourself". You see, if we love our fellow brethren, then we won't cheat, steal, kill, covet, lie, or just plain break any of the ten commandments. He also, stated he came to destroy the temple...this was not literal. But, a true christian is someone who has a spiritual "relationship" with Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. In this relationship, a christian loves the trinity so much that he follows the will of God. A true christian is not bound by religious rules, regulations or guidelines established by humans. And a true christian will not judge...they preach the gospel by their actions. Read the books of Paul, Peter, James, John, and the other apostles and you will see they did not judge others for their sins or their lifestyles. When Paul was asked what God thought of Homosexuals...he replied: "God hates Homosexuality, it is a sin", but he never said he hated "Homosexuals". Prostitution was regarded as a sin toward God, but Jesus befriended and even saved Mary (the prostitute), yet he never judged her sin. He showed her a new life by how he lived. They accepted everyone and preached by example. The books were to instruct the christians, not the non believers on how to come closer to God. They were not rules, but words of encouragement. However, people, through ignorance, forced true christianity on non believers...and they knew that without rules (religion), they could not control people. This is not is people. God does not want to control you, he gave you free will. He does want a relationship with you...but only if you choose to have this relationship. If people try to force, judge, or set out rules for you to follow...then beware...that is not true christianity. Sadly, people connect religion as a relationship with God...God calls religion an abomination. Jesus was even angered at the sadducees and pharasees (priest) for taking Love out of the church. Jesus is about "Love", people are about "Religion". Don't confuse them both...

Sorry if this sounded like preaching, but I do believe in God...I don't go to church, and I do have a foul mouth (Daniel the Prophet did too, read his book he told God that himself) but, no one can tell me he doesn't's a faith, yes...CHRYSt I too have a friend who follows Wicca, she will tell you I never judge her or how she worships or pratices, for who am I to judge...I have faults...probably more than others...well definitely more than least in not judging I try to please God. Thanks for reading this...


Oh one more thing...the bible says God created Adam and Eve...but it never said they were the only two he created. Read Genesis and you will see that Cain (one of Adam and Eve's sons) married a female from another land...while he was exiled for killing his brother. It is a common belief that God only created those no...he created others...he just created them first. When they sinned, it spiritually casted all creation into sin...not just them. That is a theological use getting too deep into that... /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif


New Member
Nov 24, 1999
katy, tx
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Finally.....someone who has actually studied the word...and knows the true meaning of "grace" and the definition of Christianity (unlike religion)
I could not have said it better myself.....not one error in your biblical perspective.
"The head of the nail dead center"

Im am interested to know where you have received this information. I have learned this from the Conei Greek...and with much study from a very gifted teacher....and I know very few who understand God's word for what it is. You seem to have it nailed down well. Where did you come to understand it as such?