okay, let's get one thing straight...religion is and was created by humans. Religion is a set of rules or guidelines established by a mortal power to control the daily beliefs and aspects of the follower's physical and mental lives. When asked by the sadducees (sp) which commandment was the most important, Jesus replied; "I only give you this commandment...Love thy nieghbor as you love yourself". You see, if we love our fellow brethren, then we won't cheat, steal, kill, covet, lie, or just plain break any of the ten commandments. He also, stated he came to destroy the temple...this was not literal. But, a true christian is someone who has a spiritual "relationship" with Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. In this relationship, a christian loves the trinity so much that he follows the will of God. A true christian is not bound by religious rules, regulations or guidelines established by humans. And a true christian will not judge...they preach the gospel by their actions. Read the books of Paul, Peter, James, John, and the other apostles and you will see they did not judge others for their sins or their lifestyles. When Paul was asked what God thought of Homosexuals...he replied: "God hates Homosexuality, it is a sin", but he never said he hated "Homosexuals". Prostitution was regarded as a sin toward God, but Jesus befriended and even saved Mary (the prostitute), yet he never judged her sin. He showed her a new life by how he lived. They accepted everyone and preached by example. The books were to instruct the christians, not the non believers on how to come closer to God. They were not rules, but words of encouragement. However, people, through ignorance, forced true christianity on non believers...and they knew that without rules (religion), they could not control people. This is not God...it is people. God does not want to control you, he gave you free will. He does want a relationship with you...but only if you choose to have this relationship. If people try to force, judge, or set out rules for you to follow...then beware...that is not true christianity. Sadly, people connect religion as a relationship with God...God calls religion an abomination. Jesus was even angered at the sadducees and pharasees (priest) for taking Love out of the church. Jesus is about "Love", people are about "Religion". Don't confuse them both...
Sorry if this sounded like preaching, but I do believe in God...I don't go to church, and I do have a foul mouth (Daniel the Prophet did too, read his book he told God that himself) but, no one can tell me he doesn't exist...it's a faith, yes...CHRYSt I too have a friend who follows Wicca, she will tell you I never judge her or how she worships or pratices, for who am I to judge...I have faults...probably more than others...well definitely more than others...at least in not judging I try to please God. Thanks for reading this...