Release - XMP-Alcazar for U2

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Jan 20, 2008
This is a release thread for the XMP-Alcazar remake map for the main Unreal II. The current version is Beta 1.

Basically this is a port of XMP-Alcazar from U2XMP to U2, in preparation for XMP2. It works now as well, but it will be better, because now it's kinda like a glorified CTF.

Either way, Beta 1 is here and you can get it here:
No readme as it's an early beta and I'll probably get to release some hotfixes as it will probably not run normally now because I will forget to add a file or two... Either way, put everything that is in Textures.rar to your U2 Textures folder, everything that is in StaticMeshes.rar to your StaticMeshes, XMP-AlcazarB1.un2 to your Maps and AlcazarA to your Sounds folder. Then to run it, open the command line and enter "open XMP-AlcazarB1?game=U2CTF.U2CTFGame" if you want to have relatively smart bots (on your side), and "open XMP-AlcazarB1?game=U2XMP.U2XMPGame" to make Replicators work. You can also use the U2 Mod Menu for that and leave the command line to geeks and people who have a lot of time.

Oh, and a hint: if you want to cross the bridge, you pretty much need an antigrav mutator, because you can't pick up jet packs for some reason.

Screenshots are in the development thread, but overall it's what you see in U2XMP!


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
GreatEmerald, if you want you can upload the map to a hidden spot on the FTP I gave you, and I'll copy it across to the xsa1 mirror site. Saves people having to use mediafire :)


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Tried it....good job but still that static mesh texture should be fixed, it appears as if the texture were one sky one, possibly it has the same name? it can happen if you loaded that package before, try converting the mesh again in some empty map?

Anyway....the teleporters are bugged, seriously, if I mantle there it sends me flying in random spot in the map, above terrain and I die falling down....just try jumping through the teleporters a lot and you will see.

EDIT: The red shields look weird comapred to blue ones.

Is it me or is terrain and static meshes overscaled and the map is too bright? Can it be beacise some of the meshes were ported from UT2004 version from UTXMP? Try scale them down or something.

Also the jump shafts look a bit weird, it is very dark in one spot and one of the platforms seem broken. Also, when I look in the flag/replicator area up, that corona or lens flare or what it is blinds my eyes instantly. :(

And of course if the jumppack doesn't work you should make fixed version, as I did with that flashlight, although that flashlight hardly looks like one, perhaps it should be enhanced with a bit of that code from UT2003 or UT2004 vehicle flashlights or that UT2003 flashlight tutorial. But for the jumppack, I think it should be outside of the suits, since they don't work in final version that way.

Some of the bot paths seem way too linnear. I know few experts on bot pathing though. I am not in contact with them now but they could help you.
Also....there is some random merc sniper in the map, it chased me around the hills.
Last edited:


Jan 20, 2008
Static mesh: What Static Mesh are you talking about?
Teleporters: Yeap, that's true. I have no idea what's causing this. Though it's fun to be randomly teleported around the map :D
Shields: Right, I have to fix the blue shield, it doesn't have a cubemap.
Scale: Nope, they're not overscaled. The thing is that U2XMP gives you more freedom, so you get around faster, and I also think that pawns are bigger there. Not sure about brightness, but I don't think that matters too much.
Jump shafts: True, I'm not sure why one of the lights won't work there. Will have to investigate that. And the corona in the replicator area is exactly what you get in U2XMP, you get blinded there too!
Paths: you don't have VehiclePathNodes there, so there's nothing you can do to make them less linear. And I'm quite good at both pathing myself, I even got around pathing a few levels of Assault Trials in UT2004...
Merc: Yeap, he's there for fun, because enemies don't seem to be very interested in chasing the flag carrier :)
Mar 6, 2004
Haha a merc sniper chasing you, sounds like fun! sounds like XMP alright, chase the enemy and ignore teamwork.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Well, it doesn't blind that much at U2XMP actually..I think there were particles coming from the ceiling and I could clearly see them.
And as for that staticmesh with wrong texture, it is that monster head with lava.

And the blue shield looks cooler without the cubemap, the red one looks too whiteish somehow and broken.


Jan 20, 2008
You can see the particles in U2 as well if you don't look up. I think you simply have different particle density set on U2 and U2XMP.
As for the demons, no idea what I can do. The thing is, in U2XMP and in UTXMP it uses TexCoordSource which doesn't exist in U2...
As for the shields, I don't know, I just use whatever was used in U2XMP.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Well...these heads, try to import them to a blank map first and see if they got right texture, it seems there is some coflict in there possibly same texture name.


Jan 20, 2008
No no. There is no conflict, simply there is no texture for it - instead of using mesh maps, they used TexCoordSources and that makes the textures not work...


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Can you use the same texture normally then? Or convert it to brush, apply texture, then make staticmesh out of it again.


Jan 20, 2008
No, the texture is wrongly scaled, if I use it it looks even worse than it looks right now. Try looking at it in U2XMP UEd resource browser (myLevel) - you will see how it really looks without a TexCoordSource and a texture applied...


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Then rescale it on brush and make static mesh out of it again? I dunno really, but there must be solution to it.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
No they are not, I downloaded it just now to test.