Regarding UnrealED for Mac...

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Being the webmaster of the largest Mac oriented web site for Unreal, I felt it was my duty to inform people about the truth behind there being no UnrealED for the Mac:

THe biggest reason there's no editor for the Mac was because some crackhead at Epic thought it would be a great idea to use MicroSoft Visual Basic to write the editor. While the game itself was written so it could easily be converted to another platform, the editor would have to be 100% completely rewritten to be ported. There is also very little documentation on the editor.

Second, Westlake doesn't have the time to port the editor and there is little chance that the development cost would break even with the money they make off the editor because they can't even sell it until Epic releases the final product.

I would like to note that I am working on a simple program that dumps a whole lot of info about an Unreal package to a console. Later and with Tim/Mark's help I hope to turn it into a full featured UnrealScript IDE.

The best way to get an editor for the Mac is to grab any good programmer that likes Unreal enough to participate in a non-profit project and have them all collaborate to produce a decent working editor. The sad problem is that most of the good programmers tend to steer towards Quake.

Anybody who has decent programming abilities and is interested in making an editor for the Mac can contact me at [email protected].

I hope this clears things up.

Jon Merriman
The Research Center


Oh yeah, until then you could always use a PC emulator like SoftWindows or Virtual PC. I staorted an Unreal Tournament map in SoftWindows but I stopped working on it because I couln't test it out.

Jon Merriman
The Research Center


Here's my latest mail from Westlake on the matter:

>I guess it's only fair to warn you there's an
>online petition started to get a Mac version of UnrealEd created /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Well, that doesn't surprise us at all--but it is still nearly impossible
technically and would be more time consuming than I think any of our
publishers are willing to pay for. I really wish we could be more
positive about this.


Suellen Adams
Business Coordinator
Westlake Interactive, Inc.


You can't really blame Westlake. Remember that the original Unreal had the code base drastically change with just about every PC update, along with a break in network compatibility, and Westlake ported the updates *for free.* Hopefully Epic won't repeat the mistake with UT, for everyone's sake.



You dont need UnrealEd for Unreal that much anyway. The Original Unreal has the best guns (Infiltration of course), excellent level design, and graphics, what more could you ask. I hope this cheers you up.
