Okay, this is how it's going to work for online play, and I'll also mention a possible implemenation, if we can do it. Basically you find a server where you want to play, see what map is playing, how many rounds are playing, what round is currently being played, probably what the most expensive weapon each person is carrying, and any other important info. You can then hop into your loadout and select one that's best for you, whether you choose a pre existing one that we provide, or one you've previously saved, or a modification of a previous one, or a new one. Then join that server. If it's in the middle of a round, you have to wait until the next round starts to play.
If you're playing and you run out of ammo, you're screwed until the next round, unless you find matching ammo or other weapons you can use. If your P90 is empty, and you run across an MP5, toss out the empty gun and take the MP5 out to play. There won't be any way to restock your loadout unless you quit the game and come back, which means waiting until the next round.
If you're playing and that round ends, when it restarts, your loadout will be restarted- regardless of what you're currently carrying- we've hashed over and over about what to do when the round ends, and this is just the best solution all around.
Now, here's where we may innovate.. I'm thinking that once a GAME ends, we get a little creative. Before the new map starts, a shooting range map loads. Here people can't hurt each other, and they simply practice using the loadout they have. The server can set how long the shooting range lasts- from 10 minutes to mere seconds. If set to 0 seconds, the shooting range doesn't load at all. This pause between games will allow you to alter your loadout for the next game, try a new weapon or two, etc. You'll be able to enter and exit the shooting range regardless of time- except if you leave and someone jumps into your spot, than you're screwed until a spot is free. So if you use up all your ammo you came in with, you can jump out, then jump back in- simulating exiting the shooting range, restocking on ammo, and returning- like real life. This is just the basics of the idea, but should be really cool, simple, and straight forward. The shooting range map won't be what you saw with the M2 .50, but a new one Bastard 'O is working on with moving targets, etc. Should be cool.
I'm probably missing something here in the explanation, but that's the jist of it.
Offline will be relatively the same except you can cheat with allammo or god mode, etc. Plus other minor obvious things.
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