I would like to add ut2vote to my start up command line. Here is a portion of the mlds.sh file. Can anyone tell me what/how to add ut2vote when the server starts up.
Thanks in advance!
echo "mlds.sh: Game loop initializing..."
while true
echo "mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C"
sleep 5
echo "mlds.sh: Starting Server"
cd System;./ucc-bin server CTF-FaceClassic?game=XGame.xCTFGame?MaxPlayers=$SLOTS ini=ut2004.ini multihome=${GAME_IP} port=${GAME_PORT} -nohomedir;cd ..
echo "mlds.sh: Server Exited"
echo "mlds.sh: To exit loop hit CTRL-C"
echo "mlds.sh: Sleeping for 15 seconds"
sleep 15
echo "mlds.sh: Loop Restarting now"
Thanks in advance!