Hello all,
I am currently working on bringing the skin selection functionality over to the Mac version of Raven Shield. One of the scripts is having a compiling error in an "if" statement and I cannot figure out what is wrong with it. Usually that means a typo or something along those lines but I cannot figure out what the typo is or what I left out of the code.
If anyone could provide assistance I would appreciate it very much. If more information is needed or anything, please let me know. I also made a comment on the problematic line so it would be easier to find. The code for this file is as follows...
The error from the compiler is...
I am currently working on bringing the skin selection functionality over to the Mac version of Raven Shield. One of the scripts is having a compiling error in an "if" statement and I cannot figure out what is wrong with it. Usually that means a typo or something along those lines but I cannot figure out what the typo is or what I left out of the code.
If anyone could provide assistance I would appreciate it very much. If more information is needed or anything, please let me know. I also made a comment on the problematic line so it would be easier to find. The code for this file is as follows...
// R6MenuMPArmor.
class R6MenuMPArmor extends UWindowDialogControl;
var R6WindowButtonGear m_2DArmor;
var R6WindowButtonGear m_2DArmorRed;
function Created ()
m_2DArmor = R6WindowButtonGear(CreateWindow(Class'R6WindowButtonGear',0.0,0.0,UnknownFunction175(UnknownFunction171(WinWidth,0.5),vector(1)),WinHeight,self));
m_2DArmor.bUseRegion = True;
m_2DArmor.m_bDrawSimpleBorder = True;
m_2DArmor.m_iDrawStyle = 5;
m_2DArmorRed = R6WindowButtonGear(CreateWindow(Class'R6WindowButtonGear',UnknownFunction171(WinWidth,0.5),0.0,UnknownFunction171(WinWidth,0.5),WinHeight,self));
m_2DArmorRed.bUseRegion = True;
m_2DArmorRed.m_bDrawSimpleBorder = True;
m_2DArmorRed.m_iDrawStyle = 5;
function Register (UWindowDialogClientWindow W)
function SetArmorTexture (Texture t, Region R, bool _bRedTeam);
function SetButtonsStatus (bool _bDisable, bool _bRedTeam)
local Region R;
if ( _bRedTeam )
m_2DArmorRed.bDisabled = _bDisable;
} else {
m_2DArmor.bDisabled = _bDisable;
function SetHighLightGreenArmor (bool _bHighLight)
m_2DArmor.m_HighLight = _bHighLight;
function SetHighLightRedArmor (bool _bHighLight)
m_2DArmorRed.m_HighLight = _bHighLight;
function bool IsGreenArmorSelect ()
return m_2DArmor.m_HighLight;
function bool IsRedArmorSelect ()
return m_2DArmorRed.m_HighLight;
function SetArmorBorderColor (UWindowDialogControl _ArmorButton, byte E)
if ( UnknownFunction114(m_2DArmor,_ArmorButton) ) //Error is here in this area
if ( UnknownFunction129(m_2DArmor.bDisabled) )
if ( UnknownFunction154(vector(E),12) )
m_2DArmor.m_BorderColor = Root.Colors.TeamColorLight[1];
} else {
m_2DArmor.m_BorderColor = Root.Colors.TeamColorDark[1];
if ( UnknownFunction114(m_2DArmorRed,_ArmorButton) )
if ( UnknownFunction129(m_2DArmorRed.bDisabled) )
if ( UnknownFunction154(vector(E),12) )
m_2DArmorRed.m_BorderColor = Root.Colors.TeamColorLight[0];
} else {
m_2DArmorRed.m_BorderColor = Root.Colors.TeamColorDark[0];
function ForceMouseOver (bool _bForceMouseOver)
The error from the compiler is...
C:\Documents and Settings\Windows User\Desktop\SDK2\Code Environment\EditArmor\Classes\R6MenuMPArmor.uc(67) :
Error, Bad or missing expression in 'If'
Failed due to errors.
History: CompileError <- TryCompile <- FScriptCompiler::CompileScript <- (Class EditArmor.R6MenuMPArmor, Pass
1, Line 67) <- CompileScripts <- CompileScripts <- CompileScripts <- CompileScripts <- CompileScripts <- DoScr
ipts <- UEditorEngine::MakeScripts <- UMakeCommandlet::Main
Exiting due to error
The system cannot find the file specified.
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