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Can someone tell me WTF the infiltration mod all about. Because first of all they say that the 3.0 is for UT, so what was the unfinished 2.6 for!!! I mean why the h*ll waste all that time on the stuff and then shift to a different game title. When I told them this they said and in qoute "because the features can be entered in the original unreal" huuuuhh HELLO.....the weapons can!!!!! I mean based on the weapons page they just about got it all done. So why not just put out all the weapons for Unreal that is planning to be out in 3.0!!! I mean most of thoes weapons should've been on 2.6 to begain with like the following:

Desert Eagle
Bullet Proof Vest

Sounds like a pretty good balance to me added in with the other weapons already made in 2.6.

Also on there news page at one time they said 3.0 was gonna be out in two weeks or more and I waited two weeks only to find out they changed to UT.

I'm not saying that the infiltration mod sucks i'm just complaining about it. I happen to play Infiltration and Serpentine (much prefer serpentine) all the time. I'm just sick and tired of mod developers giving up hope all the time. Always saying there gonna do s**t and they never do.

my 2 cents,


P.S. SERPENTINE LIVES!!!!! <----They had the balls to complete there s**t


Oh boy!
I wish I had more time to comment on this one, but I'm a bit pressed for time as it is, darn /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Because first of all they say that the 3.0 is for UT, so what was the unfinished 2.6 for!!!
Development for Infiltration will continue, just for Unreal Tournam,ent. Its simply natural for a mod team to make the move to UT, and you can't argue that. UT has so much more in the way of features and mod support. Continuation of work on the Unreal version is futile. There number of people playing the UT Demo is more than double the ammount which ever played Unreal. Everyone who likes Unreal multiplayer should really buy UT, as its 10x better!

Also on there news page at one time they said 3.0 was gonna be out in two weeks or more and I waited two weeks only to find out they changed to UT.
Changine to UT was a positive step forward for the mod. You shouldn't use the fact they switched as a negative aspect -- at least they're taking the time to convert the mod, did ya notice that?

If you like Serpentine, play it! But guess what, there is no Serpentine for UT! The original developer gave up on it, and you won't be seeing it ported, so live with it.

It's simple: If you don't like it, don't play it!

Chris «Stallion» Lambert


LOL! I can't help it.. I would LOVE to see you quote our news page that we were releasing 3.0 in a couple weeks.

Infiltration is free of charge- everyone else seems to realize this.. We create everything in this mod based on what our team wants.. sometimes we take the opinions of those who like to see Infiltration succeed.. other than that everything we do is because we can.. again, this FREE mod is a hobby, one we all enjoy.

We moved on to Unreal Tournament as a next stage of development-- just like UT is for Unreal. We don't care if you like or dislike Infiltration.. if most people hated the mod, we'd still make it.. but as it turns out, most people enjoy our mod... and most people are really looking forward to version 3 for UT-

I'm glad you enjoy Serpentine- it's basically the granddaddy of Unreal mods- and if we had started Infiltration when Serpentine got started, 3.0 WOULD have been released before UT.. but since we didn't start for many many months after them, we simply have to adapt to new technology..


This is to all advocates of Serpentine, you like it, so what, please go else where and bitch if you must.

Also LemonButt (great alias might I add :p) have you been playing InF for long, cause I think you will find there is one major difference between Serp and InF, bot support. Oh the good old days when I played Serp watching ever increasingly stupid bots run toward me then run away without letting off a single round, also the way that they are so compitent with that whole difficult reloading thing. Ahhhh, glad those days are over.

Another thing. Why bitch when someone is taking the time to make something better. It's not a patch up it's an overhaul.

RaekwoN out.


INF is a work in progress, and will continue to get better until Warren and crew are happy with (or sick as hell of)it. Instead of anouncing the MOD and then making us wait for months and months, they decided to slowly make INF better and better and add more to it a little at a time. This way we would have something to play with and still have the anticipation of the completed MOD to look forward to.

I must say that your additude SUCKS and if your trying to get them to add new weopons to the MOD without changing it to UT, then your going about it in totally the wrong way!!

Also, you must keep in mind that the INF team is doing this for us, and we should appreciate there efforts whether good or bad. I am very happy with INF and can't wait for version 3.0. If you like SEP better then fuckin' go play it and keep your opinions to yourself. If you have ever done any work with MODs you would understand that it takes a large amount of time and that the only thing keeping people doing it is the support they get from the public. So stop slammin' then and support them. If you won't support them then read my comment above again!

And for your info, they never said V3.0 was going to be out in two weeks, probably not even in two months.

WAREEN...sorry for the language, but it pisses my off to so see someone with no respect for the efforts and work you guys put in to this thing.


Good, to see so much support for INF (not that i would expect anything else from people who never get off of this forum /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif) 2.6 was to get people connected to this mod, if there was just all talk for 6 months, wouldn't you lose interest? For the most part it was a test run to see if the communitee was into to the idea. I also do not beleve that a release date was posted. why would they screw themselves over with that. Everyone knows that nothing comes out on time. Even when 3.0 comes out, you probably will not be happy, because i'm pretty sure that it will continue to unreal 2 and 3 and 4 or until we mob Cat's and Warren's house and pillage and loot and tell them "No more!" But instead of beating this topic to death, I'll let it go and say that you have poor judgement and have been misguided. Long live Infiltration and may it continue to prosper (and get a publisher /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif)



Thanks for the support guys. Me and Warren have been working together for around a year and a half, and we truly have a love for both developing the mod as well as the interaction with the community. Lately things in my life outside of Infiltration have really put a damper on my ability to work on it, but I still like to think I am involved in the process as much as I can be. 3.0 will really be a step forward for our team I think, as it will be the culmination of our "career" in the Unreal development scene. Everything we have learned will be going into it, and we will have the added support of a couple new programmers and possibly another artist. All I can say is that it's going to be a damn interesting time for us, and you guys too I think as we try to keep you up on our progress, so hang in there, it'll be fun! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


I didn't write this to get enemys all I wanted to know is why waste time on what you started on for regular Unreal and then finally decide to switch to UT? Oh and yes they did say it was gonna be out in two weeks shortly after the wedding news they had, but they deleted it so it doesn't matter to me.

Oh and as for the serpentine matter, I never said I disliked them or Infiltration, I simply like them BOTH I was alittle disapointed that all of a sudden out of no were you decided to switch.

Oh yeah and as for you farrp well I'm simply not gonna reply to a foul mouthed like that chouldn't of you atleast added STARS(****)

Well anyway I chould've said thing's in a nicer way too and I show my full apology to everyone and I show no disrespect to infiltration team or any members of this board.




Infiltration is IMHO the best real world game, bar none. For those of us that were there since 1.0, we know that the game has come light years since it's inception.

I think that its great to see people from the community rally and support the game. The amount of feedback on for future versions has been staggering. The response by the makers to that advice has been amazing, and should not be taken lightly.

Lastly, I think its great that so many different people from so many different nations have come together (sniff)...to play a combat simulation game where we annihilate each other, I gotta go, Im getting weapy.



Although, i don't remember the post about the date, it could have been there. and i think after the two week or something like that. Cat had alot of RL stuff or so they said. So it could have been the date before Catalyst's unforseen situation. But like you said, you don't care any more. I think that UT was always going to be included into INF progression. So I don't think 2.6 and before were worthless, more of an orientation with Unrealscript and all the quirks of the basic Unreal engine. Also much of the work can be transfered over to UT, so in my opinion 2.6 wasn't for naught. And Lemon_Butt you are forgiven, at least by me.


Could anybody please close this thread (Otherwise I'd tell my 2 cents about this little fruit)


I've never seen anybody more cheap in my life than sumbody who would stop the progression of a game just cause they dont wanna spend the $40 to buy UT!!!!!!!!!!!!


are you really asking why they are putting the next mod on unreal instead of UT, i mean thank god that back in the good ol days of q2 that you didnt have a say. i might still be on my old 486 if you had your vision of the future, bugger off, i cant beleive i took the time to reply to this.



All I have to say to you lemon head, lemon drop, or whatever u call your self! Infiltration LOVE IT!
OR LEAVE IT! U Won't me missed serpentine boy! Your post was pretty rude and unappreciative
to the mod creators. i suggest you start donating money for the dedicated Infiltration staff, or next
time talk out of your mouth not your @!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

The MaCmAnIaK



coffeycan, have you played Rainbow Six, it's the 'bar one' you speak of.