Rainbow 6: Vegas Weapon Realism Mod.

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Lethal Dosage

Serial Rapis...uh, Thread Killer
I know this is Infiltration forums, but it's also Off Topic. Well i seem to remember before the Great Forums Crash some people around here liking R6: Vegas. Well upon buying it a few months ago i was rather disappointed by all the inaccuracies with the weapons, and online by the lack of Mod tools or Realism mods, so i went and made my own. Below i've posted a changelist of what i've done so far, and some points of where i intent to take it.


Corrected the AUGa3, Sig552 and MTar21's displayed stats to display more accurate stats
Increased the SV-98's magazine to 20rds
Reduced the G3ka4's magazine to 20rds
Increased the Glock 18's magazine capacity to it's actual 18rd capacity
Increased the M249 Minimi's box capacity to 200rds
Increased the G3ka4's damage to be more representitive of it's 7.62x51mm round
Increased the Mk.46 LMG damage to be more representitive of it's 7.62x51mm round
Increased the HK21e LMG damage to be more representitive of it's 7.62x51mm round
Increased the PSG-1's damage to be more representitive of it's 7.62x51mm round
Increased the AK-47's damage to be more representitive of it's 7.62x39mm round
Increased the accuracy of the FAMAS slightly
Adjusted the damage of all handguns to more realistic stats
Increased the damage of the AUGa3, FAMAS, and MTar21 to be more representative of a 5.56mm rifle
Decreased the damage of the SCAR-H, SG552 and G36c to be more representative of a 5.56mm carbine
Increased the stats of the M8 representative of a 5.56mm short rifle
Increased the damage of the M249 and Fixed M249 to be more representative of a 5.56mm LMG
Increased the damage of the MG36 to be more representative of a 5.56mm rifle (with Beta C mag of course)
Corrected the displayed damage stats of all the weapons to display more accurately
Reduced the HK21e and Mk.46's amount of ammunition they can carry to simulate the increased size and weight of the 7.62x51mm belts
DefaultAmmunitionNormal=300 MaxAmmunitionNormal=600
DefaultAmmunitionVeteran=300 MaxAmmunitionVeteran=600
DefaultAmmunitionElite=200 MaxAmmunitionElite=500
DefaultAmmunitionMP=200 MaxAmmunitionMP=600
Gave the Glock18 the High Cap Magazine "attachment"
Re-did all of the ammunition amounts for a consistant number of regular magazines for each weapon a player can carry to;
DefaultAmmunitionNormal=5 MaxAmmunitionNormal=10
DefaultAmmunitionVeteran=5 MaxAmmunitionVeteran=8
DefaultAmmunitionElite=3 MaxAmmunitionElite=6
DefaultAmmunitionMP=4 MaxAmmunitionMP=10
Automatic Rifles and Submachine Guns
DefaultAmmunitionNormal=9 MaxAmmunitionNormal=15
DefaultAmmunitionVeteran=9 MaxAmmunitionVeteran=11
DefaultAmmunitionElite=5 MaxAmmunitionElite=9
DefaultAmmunitionMP=6 MaxAmmunitionMP=15
Slightly increased the base accuracy of the Desert Eagle
Changed the default fire mode for the G3ka4 to Semi-auto
Changed the Critical Ammo count for the Glock18 to 3 rds
Changed the Critical Ammo count for all Submachine Guns and Automatic Rifles to 5 rds
Changed the default attachcment for all Submachine Guns and Automatic Rifles to None
Re-ordered the attachment list for a uniform layout.
Added the Laser to all sniper rifles, when selected the sniper rifle also defaults to the 6x scope

It's a pitty that without proper mod tools (i'm using Notepad, :lol:) i can't do much, not even change the weapon names displayed ingame, so don't go expection new weapons or fancy features. I do need help BTW, unfortuantly i'm restricted to only a 5hr net connection every 2 days or so, and even with that i don't really have the time to do all the research i need for the mod. So here's where i ask if other people would like to help by providing the necessary info (or links to specific data) here. Below is a list of the data i need for all the weapons implemented ingame;

Accuracy stats 50m, 100, etc.
Muzzle velocity @ 0m 50m 100m, etc.
Maximum effective range
Velocity decrease with suppressor
Rate Of Fire - Semi, Burst, Auto (sustained fire)
Weapon weight

Now once again i know these aren't R6 forums, but a quick flick around didn't reveal any, and for the most part i respect the knowledge, experience and opinions of the INF players who still lurk around here. While i can never turn R6: Vegas into another INF, hopefully i can make it a bit more enjoyable as an alternative for those who like to play it, at least till the next INF comes out.

P.S. If your thinking why i made a weapon realism mod for R6: Vegas instead of R6: Vegas 2, it's because the latter is still $100 here and i doubt i have a computer good enough to run it, hell i got to run the former on pretty low settings as it is!
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Jan 18, 2005
Decreased the damage of the SCAR-H, SG552 and G36c to be more representative of a 5.56mm carbine

I thought the SCAR-L was 5.56x45 while the SCAR-H was 7.62x39. Not to nitpick, but thats just one small thing I saw... The 7.62 should hit a bit harder.

Looks pretty cool though... Ill test it out within a few days.


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
Visit site
The 7.62*39 thing on the SCAR-H is still only a possible feature last I read. The one in Vegas is 7.62 * 51.

Mk46 is 5.56 * 45.

Vegas 2 has pretty much the same system specs. 100$ makes it like 12.5-20 dollars an hour :/

Lethal Dosage

Serial Rapis...uh, Thread Killer
Well i should do my research then, this is what happens when you don't have much time to research myself and i don't have the net on my modding computer.

I always thought the SCAR-H was 5.56 and the Mk.48 was basically a 7.62 version of the minimi... well i'll fix all this up asap!

Yeah i checked out Vegas 2 the other week, but considering it's still $100 (same price it was released at) and i'm pretty poor ATM, i won't be getting it anytime soon unless i can convince a friend to buy it for me (he still owes me a 21st b-day present). While my computer does meet the minimum specs for Vegas 2, running Vegas 1 on my computer alongside all those damn virus' i got to have everything turned right down to very lowest (bar the res 1024x768).

Combing through the files though, did anyone know at R6: Vegas was meant to have a heap of other guns as well? I mean like a M60e3, PKM, Uzi, and an absolute heap of other guns, and their mentioned in almost all of the code! Sadly though they seem to have been cut towards the end of development and so some necessary stuff is missing and i won't be able to get them ingame.


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Visit site
LD you are correct about the Mk48, but the list above shows a Mk46, which is 5.56x45. If I got it right the Mk46 is a modified (rail mounts etc.) Minimi used by Special Forces but remaining in 5.56, while the Mk48 is a 7.62x51 version of the Minimi.

Also to add to the nitpicking: Glock 18 doesn't have a 18rd mag. It's 17, 19 or 31 IIRC.


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
Visit site
It also deletes the magazine option.

The Mk48 is a 7.62 version. But oddly, I'm sure it's the 46 in Vegas (oddly because it has the M249 SPW also).

The SCAR-H is the "Heavy" or 7.62 version. The -L is the "Light" or 5.56 version at the moment.

Lethal Dosage

Serial Rapis...uh, Thread Killer
Ahh, i get it now. Well as i said above i don't have the time to research this stuff on the net, and most of my gun books are 6-12 yrs old!

Well i think i'll leave the Mk.46 in Vegas as the 7.62 Mk.48 variant, and just try to figure out how to change the names, not much point having also two identical 5.56 minimi's ingame (especially since they can have the same attachments), but only 1x 7.62 minimi.

More works being done, and i'm currently revising all the damage values again as well as accuracy figures. Some just don't make sense like the machineguns are more accurate than any other weapon bar the sniper rifles. Hell the Mk.23 and the MP5N are right up in the really accurate spectrum while the USP40 and Raging Bull can't hit the broad side of a (red) barn.


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
Are you going to fix the recoil? That was my biggest problem with RS:V. The overall recoil level was good... much better than COD4 wimpy BS, but when you go into recoil level for each weapon relative to other weapons, things break down. The 7.62x51mm rifles consistently recoiled the least out of any of the rifles while there was no noticeable difference in recoil between the 7.62x39 and 5.56x45mm rifles. IMO, the recoil for the 5.56mm weapons was good, so just increasing the 7.62x39 recoil over that, then increasing 7.62x51mm recoil even higher, would iron things out.

Also you might want to look at the accuracy of SMG's like the Mac 10 and Uzi, where the developers openly admitted to exaggerating the poor accuracy and high rate of fire in-game compared to real life to match what people expect of these weapons based on movies and other unrealistic videogames.

Lethal Dosage

Serial Rapis...uh, Thread Killer
Yay! Someones interested! Yep, Accuracy is on the drawing board, matter of fact it's the next thing on my list.

Sadly i doubt i'll do recoil though, as it's not just changing on figure but lots of figures on many lines. This is becuase it have to adjust all the recoil animations as well as those for the attachments and the base recoil figures.

Sadly the Devs were really slack for the attachments, with just some universal generic attachments. The attachment themselves don't actually attach to the weapon but more just float on or around it. By changing a number of figures you can change the positioning of the attachment. This way you could give the Scout a forward mounted "scout" style scope, and i've experimanted with giving a reflex sight to the PSG-1 rather successfully.

ATM development of this mod has really slackened off though, mostly because i don't have the time on the net to do the research needed, which is why changing the accuracy of the weapons has been at the top of my list for over a month. Unfortuantly my gun books are much use either as most of them are around 10 yrs old. Basically what i need is info like barrel length, muzzle velocity, muzzle velocity (w/ suppressor), and Rate of Fire figures (preferably for semi, burst and sustained automatic fire).

Hell if you would like to help, maybe as a technical advisor, researcher, or beta tester, let me know, cus i've been sitting on a Beta for a while now. The only other problem is R6: Vegas is kinda old these days, especially with a sequel out, and so i can't think of too many people here who would downgrade just to play a weapon realism mod. Sadly while i have R6: Vegas 2, it doesn't support AGP cards, which means i have to save up and totally rebuild my computer before i can start to mod for it.


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
Well, basic barrel length, muzzle velocity, and rates of fire shouldn't be too tough to find...I'll see what I can do.

As far as I know the cyclic rates of fire stay the same for automatic weapons across all modes, except for the effect of heat generated by fire speeding the rate up in shorter-barreled weapons, which most likely can't be modeled in RSV. If a weapon has a cyclic rate of fire of 750 rpm in auto, it's still capable of firing that fast in semi but your trigger finger would have to be superhumanly fast to pull the trigger 12 times per second, so the rate of fire in semi is basically just as fast as you can pull the trigger. Since it takes longer to pull a trigger than to click a mouse button, I suppose you could still impose some refire delay, but that's still not terribly realistic as different people can pull triggers at different speeds...furthermore, the weight and pull of the trigger probably varies from weapon to weapon and that's yet another extremely obscure factor you'd probably never be able to proper research. Long story short, I'd just do it the way most games do it...keep the same cyclic rate across all modes, except for the mode of operation, where a single semi shot or single burst shot refires as fast as you can click the mouse.

Also, velocity of the bullet doesn't change AFAIK for suppressors. Suppressors don't slow the bullet down, they just slow the gases leaving the muzzle. However, sometimes the bullet itself changes as the operator chooses to use subsonic ammunition. However, people don't always choose to use subsonic ammo as subsonic ammo lacks the performance of the normal ammo. So I guess the trick would be listening to the fire sound of the suppressed weapons and trying to determine whether it's the sound of sub or supersonic ammo. AFAIK the super-quiet little clicks you hear in some games and videos can only come from subsonic ammo, while supersonic ammo comes out with volume more akin to a gas-powered airsoft gun, a paintball gun, or maybe a .22 LR. Then it's just a matter of looking up the muzzle velocity of that ammo.

Anyway, I think you might be making this out to require a little more research than you actually need. I have seen a lot of the basic stuff around, and I don't think you need some of the more complicated stuff. I'll dig around and see what I can find. Unfortunately I can't beta test though cause I only played the 360 version of RSV, don't own the PC version, and it may not even run on my rig.

Here's some generalizations I've found to be accurate across almost all weapons in all the weapons research I've ever done:

Muzzle velocity for 5.56mm rifles is about 3,000 fps for long-barreled weapons and 2,700 for short-barreled weapons, although it can be even lower if the barrel length is 8-12".

Muzzle velocity for 7.62x51mm is about 2,800 - 3,000 fps for full-length barrels, not sure about shorter ones.

7.62x39 is about 2,200 for full-length barrels. 5.45x39 is about the same as 5.56x45 for muzzle velocity, if about 100fps under.

9mm is generally 1,000-1,100 fps, while .45 is about 800 fps (which is subsonic, even without special ammo). 5.7mm ammo for the P90 is about 2,200-2,400 fps IIRC.

These are all for standard ammo, not subsonic rounds.

For cyclic rates of fire:

5.56 full-length barrel ~ 800 rpm
5.56 short barrel ~ 1000 rpm
AKM/AK-47 ~ 600 rpm
AK-74 or AKS-74U ~ 750 rpm
7.62x51 are generally all 600 rpm

These general figures should get you pretty far into the ball park. I'll check to see if any specific weapons in RSV break from any of these trends. Of course, you'll see more exact figures depending on what site you look at, but a lot of them are BS. The rate of fire of a weapon can vary about 50-100rpm depending on the model, and even different rifles in the same model, not to mention depending on maintenance, ammo, use, etc. However, a 50-100 rpm different is pretty much unnoticeable in-game, so I'd stick with the averages unless a reliable statistic for a weapon is found which is way off. The same goes for muzzle velocities. Most of these stats are more dependent on the caliber and barrel length than the specific make or model.
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Lethal Dosage

Serial Rapis...uh, Thread Killer
Cheers, thats actually helped a lot. I noticed in the code for R6:V that all the weapons have the same semi RoF, which is indeed rather slow. I know that the RoF of semiautomatic weapons is really limited to how fast you can pull the trigger, and the mechanism of the weapon, but considering how slow the semi RoF of especially handguns in R6:V is, i thought i'd try to check it to see if there are specific stats on it. I'm just thinking now if things like the Ballistic Co-efficient (BC) of the various projectiles would help with the damage stats.

It was always my impression though that idea of suppressors was to slow the projectile down to subsonic speeds before the muzzle by allowing gases to expand out into the baffles in outer tube of the suppressor. Well either way i wanted bullet velocities and barrel lengths to help calculate bullet damage over distances, the reduction in velocity from a suppressor for the damage modifier when the suppressor is fitted, and barrel lengths to also calculate the base accuracy. I'm trying to make all the weapons in th emost as accurate and realistic as possible, and while say a Steyr AUG and a Tavor are very similar, they are slightly different in RoF, bullet damage, etc, and i want that to be ingame, even if it isn't really all that noticeable while playing. After all i'm not EA or Ubisoft, i don't just want to take the easiest path.