Quick Guide for UT99 for users on *fast* computers

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New Member
Jan 24, 2008
Symptom: swampy mouse movement (is lagging somehow) and warp-speed-like UT game speed!

a) Basic UT99 Setup / Preparation

After installing UT99 update it to the latest official patch version 436 you have to download the latest
community version which is 451b from www.utpg.org

UT99 UTPG451b Installer
UT99 UTPG451b ZIP-archive

If asked, point the installer to your MAIN UT99 Installation folder (i.e. c:\unrealtournament )
When installing manually by ZIP file you will extract those also into the main UT99 installation directory.

Finally startup UT99 and make sure the version on the upper right within the UT Main Screen shows
Version 451 (it will be 451b ^^).

b) Renderdevice Upgrade

You will have to install a updated renderer for UT99 which will provide the required
features inside the advanced rendering settings that are needed.

You can either use OpenGL or D3D8

b.1) OpenGL (for D3D see below)

Download the latest OpenGL renderer and install it:
UT99 enhanced OpenGL Renderer

Download the file and extract it into your unrealtournament/system folder, It will ask you if you want to
overwrite the existing one, which of course you want to overwrite :)

continue with c)

b.2) DirectX (version 8 & 9)
Download the latest appropriate renderer and install it:

UT99 enhanced D3d8 Renderer
UT99 enhanced D3d9 Renderer

Download the file and extract it into your unrealtournament/system folder.

c) Graphics Card Setup

In your options for your graphics card you must turn off vsync (vertical synchronization)
When vSync is turned on, the framerate will be clamped to the current refreshrate of your monitor
(for TFT users is till be around 60fps)
However the game itself is not rendering throttled which is causing the swampy/laggy mouse movement.

NVidia Users:
Go to the "NVIDIA control panel" and under "3D Settings" you can find "Manage 3D settings". Beneath this tab look for "Vertical Sync" and set it to
"Force off"

If you don't see these options make sure that you have turned Advanced Settinsg view on (Standard is default)
This can be done within the NVIDIA control panel toolbar.

ATI Users:
sorry no idea, I don't own a ATI card. In General you must find the option that controls the Vertical Synchronization and turn that off!

d) UT 99 Renderer Setup
Goto the video/display preferences options in UT99 and change your Renderer.
UT99 will restart itself and ask you to choose a renderer.
You will NEED to select "Show All/Display All" Devices to select any of the newer renderers.

Select the Renderer depending on your Installation (Opengl, D3D8, D3D9) and accept default settings.

Now In-Game you open your console (Tile key ` ) and type in "preferences".
Inside the advanced settings window goto Renderer and SELECT THE APPROPRIATE OPTION for your Renderer.
OpenGL..., D3D8...., D3D9...
scroll down within these options and look for an option called:

"FrameRateLimit" and set it to something like 150 (*which is my setting)

Alternatively look-up into your unrealtournament.ini

and find






and change/add the setting


Additional Note for Widescreen users:
Running in high resolutions (native resolutions) the game objects may be VERY small,
simply change your in-game fov to 80 or so to see players a bit better (or change in .ini)

*** type fov 80 into console while you are NOT connected to a multiplayer server,
some servers do NOT allow fov change in-game.


good luck guys:D
Make note that 451b is for servers only (far as I know). (Wait, is this for running UT in multiplayer?)

EDIT (2009-01-12): You cannot run v451 in UnrealEd, unless you managed to have two UT copies, one for 436 and other for 451. (Never tried that, even though.)

Usually I have my VSync on and game still runs perfectly, even on anti-aliasing of 4 and anisotropy of 16.
Having VSync off causes the game to skip around the frame rates. Well the game does not skip, but sometimes accelerates too much instead of constant.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 2, 2000
Visit site
c) Graphics Card Setup

In General you must find the option that controls the Vertical Synchronization and turn that off!

What? Never mind the rest, "c)" could be removed in its entirety. It describes taking the long way 'round. Aside from that who changes their graphics card settings to suit UT when the ini edits alone work perfectly, and forever?


Flak Monkey
Jul 13, 2002
Parts Unknown
Make note that 451b is for servers only (far as I know). (Wait, is this for running UT in multiplayer?)

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing too. That's for dedicated servers because of a DOS attack issue that doesn't affect clients using v436.

Plus you can't use UnrealEd with v451 either...

Also there should be a mention on how to set UT to run on a dual or quad core CPU that's in new PC's now.

Glider of chaos

Ready 2 Fight !
Jan 25, 2004
Russia, St-Petersburg
I think we need a stickied community thread with nice troubleshooting guide covering issues we know. We have loads of knowledge and methods floating around this forum but it will be really nice to put it all into one place