PuF v MyU

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Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
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Man did I have some fun!!

Shoot, we should have won orbital, and it is all my fault :( I insisted on jumping out so TOGirl could take my place (She was like "Stay Boom, you are doing fine", and I was like "No, you take it"), but I forgot to tell her that I was on defense. That left poor NeoSkins all alone defending the base. The game was tied at 1to1 and was really superclose at that time. After my screwup left Neo stranded, they got their second cap. Then I wasn't paying attention when TOGirl lost her connection, so I didn't jump back in, leaving our guys one short. I'm glad this was just for fun, or I wouldn't be able to show my face around here anymore.

But I think I made up for it with my performance in McSwartzly. You can see that I wasn't in for the whole match, but I still got a pretty good score for little BoomBoom. And I had a "right place at the right time" moment. I was trying to work the midfield, those MyU guys are real good, but I was doing ok. When I wasn't trying to shockcombo Cookie that is :eek: Sorry Cookie, I get so excited sometimes, you can only imagine how silly I felt :)

Aaaaaanyway, we are up by one cap, and they are running toward their base with our flag. If they cap it, we go to a tiebreaker. With a few seconds left, I manage to follow the guy in, grab their flag to prevent cappage, and kill the flagcarrier returning our flag. I'm just trying to share a great UT moment here. Please don't think I'm bragging. I know it was luck and it was the "right place at the right time" thing. But man, it felt soo good to see the spectators typing in "OMG, Boom won the match for us" :) :)

Anyway, I had a bunch of fun and look forward to more of this kinda stuff.


Clan [Boom]
The undisputed, world champion, 1on1, UT clan.


On Face I was having a 350 ping but it was smooth so I was able to do well. The next map I had to leave because of a slide show and My FPS never came back forcing me to play like crap. No more 8vs8 matches for me....


AKA Ruffrider
"My House!"
In the words of Boom... "Boom!"

LordKhaine "Wonders why all the PuF women seem to hate him, even though hes never insulted any of them:("
Ruffrider "They are afraid of your big penis LK"
LordKhaine "ROFLMAO!"

Currently Available for recruiting.


i am teh <img src="http://forums.beyondunreal.com/
Feb 2, 2000
nah boom it's not your fault :)

hell if i didn't frickin' lose link with the flag towards the beginning we definitely would have had that cap and we could have gone into overtime.. (i was on a clear run to our flag then poof)

but these things happen. it's all good :)

you did great man :eek: don't try to take blame for anything :)




New Member
Dec 6, 1999
Greensboro, NC, USA
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Lots of fun. MyU wins 3-2.
face 4-2 puf
terra 6-1 myu
McSwartzly 2-1 puf
Horus 6-0 myu
Orbital 3-1 myu (we lost jen mid game)

We need to brush up on our custom maps before we do the next one. We clearly were lost on terra and Horus. Hope we do it again.


New Member
Apr 17, 2000
I dunno how it is at MyU...I can only speculate... But i think they get together and play all on a server more than we do... after all, they have a greater proclivity to large number play, and were clearly good at Horus, a map we PuF don't encounter so much on random servers (at least, I don't)... plus, on average I would say, the PuF's who were in that game never played WITH each other in numbers greater than 4v4...


The undisputed champion of Respawning.


Feb 10, 2000
I don't know about other people but I was moving like a HPB. too many people on at once overloaded my PC. Their offense had good teamwork. It was fun though I am wondering why Osirius played MyU instead of PuF, he was kickin @SS :)

{SeeD-J} OshadowO|PuF
My web page. Drop by sometime
I like this forum. It helps me maintain my insanity!


Senior Member
Apr 12, 2000
Great matches everybody! I certainly had a great time in McSwartz....(6 Impact hammer kills, heh heh) And I tried covering for Jenny when she dropped at the end of orbital, but didn't get there in enuff time to make much of a difference.
All-in-all good matchup, although I missed quite a bit after McSwartz (that's the one I played but watched up til then).
Hope everyone had a great time, and hopefully I'll have a little more time to get the next match more "on-the-ball".


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
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The first three matches were fun, but the last two weren't. I was getting as low as 11 fps on Horus, and some major lag, even with few players on screen. Same went for Orbital. That map really needed a redeemer. I know of several points in the game where I saw a bunch of MyU player clumped up by their flag, just beggin for a deemer.


Who's gonna be the odd man out? I want to be the odd man out.
-- CookieMnstr|PuF

Enigmatic Terror

May 11, 2000
Jing: Most of the MyU crew play on the Wes 650 and other servers. I frequent that server, and you are correct in that they play together very often.

Wiggum, there *is* a redeemer in orbital. At the shield belt, look UP. :)


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Dec 28, 1999
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I know there is a redeemer there, but Wes had the No Redeemer Mutator on. Grr...


Who's gonna be the odd man out? I want to be the odd man out.
-- CookieMnstr|PuF


Milk This!<br><img src="http://www.planetunreal.co
I noticed that too, i couldnt find the redeamer, i just thought someone was hogging it up at first...

I played with MyU because that's the server that got me hooked on UT. Ive been playing there before i ever knew there was a planetunreal. that's the reason. And my computer was acting like a slide show too shadow :) when all those people were in the same room in Orbital i couldnt see what i was doing...

we do have the advantage in custom maps =)
although CTF-Terra i was just as lost as you guys. that was like my 2 time playing that one. You guys should d/l more custom maps, some of them are way better than the boxed maps, you just gotta take the time to d/l em...

anyways GG's guys see ya soon


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Hmmm. This is two in a row now! I want to play in the next game if I'm able to.

Rooster's server has McSwartzly's and Horus running (not sure about Orbital or Terra). Let's brush up on those maps and rematch them!

Anyone have a screen or list of players?


Visit the PuF Home Page. hal{PuF}


Das Fragmeister

Yes, I played the Face and Terra games...

...as a bit of analysis (not excuses), you could see a huge difference in how organized we were in the first game, on a map everyone knew, compared to Terra. It was pretty unlear who was doing what, where people were respawning, whether, after a far run for a flag return, defense suddenly became offense, etc... Also, those MyU guys (particularly Osirus and Elbo) were using the shock combo to their advantage big time.

Just my observation...but it just seemed this way....


the games were fun, but yes they did have a MASSIVE advantage over us by playing custom maps that most of us don't ever use. i have screenshots from 4 of the 5 games (i couldn't play horus due to a version mismatch)


on face we rocked them. everybody did great :)


terra was a different story. most people on our side didn't know this map at all. i had the flag and was lost in their base for probably 3 full minutes because i didn't know where the hell i was going.


on mcswartzly we did excellent again. however that map is NOT designed for a 7v7. turned into a major flak fest.. but we still pulled through. yet another nice job from all of us :)


ok, orbital pissed me off. why? we were doing great. i was all set to cap the flag but lost connection at a very bad time. then it wouldn't let me on for over 5 minutes after. i was not pleased.. :( (ehehe oh well next time :)

an excellent time was had by both sides, and hopefully we'll play again soon.. but next time i hope to do it again on maps we ALL know, and with a normal amount of players. :)

i propose a 5v5 on some more well-known maps :D


May 15, 2000
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Let me first off say thanks for coming and being great sports. Everyone who played had a great time and we all couldn't have planned a more fun match. It was really a great time for all.

As for the maps, again, you guys had chosen Terra, deck 16 and McSwartzly, but we didn't have dck 16 and were going to use Scnadinavium, but your guys had some version mismatches so you asked for face and got it. Not sure why you voted for Terra if you didn't know it, but in any case, it was still a great match.

As for further matches, there definately will be some, but there is some dissention in the ranks among us MyU because we had 16 people who wanted to play but only 9 ever did play, and that was my fault because I was the one who organized this one. Once I saw that you guys had the big guns, and beat us on face, I didn't want to lose and I kept our big guns in there. In doing so, I hurt a few people's feelings and because of that WES who runs MyU has declared no more matches with the MyU name until we can come up with a fair solution so everyone who wants to play can indeed play. Until this issue is solved, we can't play any more matches. It should be solved in the very near future, and once it is we can do this again.

I would also like to single out Cookie Monster as being one bad *** mofo with that blue ball combo. Half the time I thought i was out of range but little did i know.

Kudos to you guys, great game.

I'll be in touch.
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