Proboards Skin Request

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Fatal Shadow

New Member
Sep 25, 2005
Hello! ^_^ Umm...are any of you familiar with the series Jak and Daxter? If you are, I am requesting a PBoards V4 Skin Jak and Daxter themed. :) And I want it to be red - based as well. Im not really familiar with asking for requests, but this would be very helpful to me! :) Please, if there is anything you didnt understand or need to ask, please ask it. :lol:


Skincollecting Fanatic
Sep 6, 2003
Welcome to the board.

There are some things you missed in your request .

Pics . Its always good , if you have some pics (or links to them , if they are bigger).So everyone knows what you are requesting .

The most important : For which game ? UT , UT2003 or UT2004.