Problems with UnrealEd...

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...i know everyone is going to say 'just go to and do what it says', but i have and i'm still having problems. I know it works because i had it installed on my computer once before. (but i had to reformat)

If anyone knows if the following is not correct please post a reply...

1. Install Unreal
2. Install Unreal Patch (225)
3. Install INF (V2.5, and V2.6)
4. Unzip Rich Text Fix into the windows/system DIR
5. Unzip VB RunTime File into windows/system DIR
6. Unzip Beta 2.19 patch into the Unreal/system DIR
7. INstall level editor (UnrealEd)

...all files were overwritten when asked.

Now i can't even get Unreal to start up, so I have to delete and re-install everything again...AHHHHHHHHHH! (KILL ME NOW)
This is the fourth time today I have done this process.

Also, the UnrealEd wasn't on the Unreal CD, i got Unreal from the Voodoo 3 3000 I purchased.


6. Don't it is an old version and very NOT compatible with 22X builds.
7. Use UnEd fix 4.


It seems as though Ued only shipped with the original retail version of unreal, cause you are about the fifth person I've heard say 'oh i didn't get unrealed when I got unreal for free with my voodoo card' is there a link perhaps? hmmmmm let me see /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

As for the whole Unreal not starting thing, maybe don't install InF before you do all the Ued stuff.