portrait and head question

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The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
1) How do you make a portrait for your skin... you know.. the pic that shows up when you talk and is also used in the player select screen?

2) Where exactly is the texture for gorge's face hiding.. I cant find it.. grr...
The file name is JuggMaleAHeadA and I assumed it was in the playerskins.utx but either I'm blind or it's hiding on me.

Can anyone help me out here?
Thanx in advance ;)
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New Member
Nov 30, 2004
1) The portrait is a 256x512 image, usually saved with your texture package that contains the textures for your skin, but having them in the same package isn't necessary. They can be in different packages if you like, so long as the .upl file defines where it's at. The same methods used to create the skins can be used on the portrait, so you can have animated portraits if you like.

2) Not sure where you're looking, but Gorge's head is definetely in the PlayerSkins.utx file. The name is JuggMaleAHeadA as you've stated. There's also the special intro version of him in the intro_characters.utx file. Look a little more carefully... he's there ;)


The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
Law!!!!! Hiya bro!!!! Long time no see :)

Tj, there's no jugger textures showing at all in my playerskins.utx when i view them through UnrealEd. Apparently I'm not the only one who has this problem as a friend of mine said the same thing when he checked it out for me...

So how exactly does one go about exporting the gorge head so I can fux with it a little for a personal usage skin?
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New Member
Nov 30, 2004
That's odd, should be in there. I just checked last night and he was not 2 textures away from the other male Jugg... think his name was Frostbite or something. Are you in UT2003 or 2004? I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not.

Anyway, you can export any texture file from UnrealEd to a .dds file, I think. In order to open that file up in Photoshop you'll need the texture plugin from nVidia. If you do a quick Google search for "nVidia dds photoshop plugin" I'm sure you'll find it. Once you have that, you can import the texture into Photoshop and edit it as you please.

Another way is to just use UPaint to paint your textures. I think both UT200Xs ship with it (can't remember with 2003) and it has all the necessary ingredients for you to start making your own textures ;)

The Helios

Keeper of the Ancient Ones
Apr 17, 2004
Look for Hide's thread (Koryuu Eris I think is called). There are the links for the .dds stuff.
And for the portrait, if you are skinning, UPaint makes the portrait for you once you clic on the "Export to Unreal" option. If you are making a model the best way, and the only one I know for now, is taking a close up of the face in your favorite 3d editor and correct it with Photoshop, then add it to the .utx package.