Please Help Me.

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I've surfed around this forum and yet i havn't heard anything about the kinda' problem i have. This is wierd, whenever i run UT it just locks up at the UT starting screen. I have a P3 550, 128mb of ram, TNT2.
I downloaded the Detonator drivers thingy from the Nvidia website and I have Dx7 installed on my machine also. I'm kinda disappointed. I've been waiting like a mofo for this game and now i cant run it. ;^(

Searchin' for help,
-Burrito Man

P.S. I'm sorry if this question was already solved but im just too tired and desperate.


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Dec 2, 1999
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my roommate had similar problems with his velocity 4000, and there has been nothing to do for it.. YET, but if you go into setup and run it in software mode itll work (which is better than nothing, even if it isnt pretty)