Ok heres the problem
I have been following 3d buzz's Unreal Technology vtms and I figured, hmm How bout trying to do this in Runtime?
so I am done with BSP brush settings and now I have to do static meshes. I export them from Unreal Engine 3.0 that is supplied with UT2003 and then import back in in Runtime
It imports fine, with proper textures, but for example, when I export BastienHardware package's ramp_02 and then import it and try to play the map, it requires you to have xEffects package.
I have no idea why it is asking for me that package...All i did was just importing the static mesh...
Can anyone help me? thank you
I have been following 3d buzz's Unreal Technology vtms and I figured, hmm How bout trying to do this in Runtime?
so I am done with BSP brush settings and now I have to do static meshes. I export them from Unreal Engine 3.0 that is supplied with UT2003 and then import back in in Runtime
It imports fine, with proper textures, but for example, when I export BastienHardware package's ramp_02 and then import it and try to play the map, it requires you to have xEffects package.
I have no idea why it is asking for me that package...All i did was just importing the static mesh...
Can anyone help me? thank you