I'm a beginner in Unrealcoding and wanted to ask why my Mutator doesnt do anything. It should just play the Sound "3kills" and a Player gets 3 Kills in a Row.
The compiler says it's fine (which was hard work for me ) .. but it still doesnt work
I'm a beginner in Unrealcoding and wanted to ask why my Mutator doesnt do anything. It should just play the Sound "3kills" and a Player gets 3 Kills in a Row.
// First & Senseless Mutator.
class Mutator123 extends Mutator;
#EXEC AUDIO IMPORT FILE=Sounds\3kills.wav NAME=3kills PACKAGE=Mutator123
var Sound Serialkiller;
function SpreeRanking(Pawn Killer, Pawn Other)
local PlayerPawn PP;
local Pawn P;
//local sound Serialkiller;
Serialkiller = Sound'Mutator123.3kills';
//Serialkiller = Sound.3kills;
PP = PlayerPawn(Killer);
if ( Killer.Spree == 3 )
for ( P=Level.PawnList; P!=None; P=P.NextPawn )
BroadcastMessage(PP.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$" is a Serial Killer!", True, 'CriticalEvent');
defaultproperties {
The compiler says it's fine (which was hard work for me ) .. but it still doesnt work