I was looking trough PlayerReplicationInfo today and I found a FRand() in the timer function can someone tell me what it is for.
2) Is there anyway of accessing GameReplicationInfo from a simulated function in a HUD.
function Timer()
local float MinDist, Dist;
local LocationID L;
MinDist = 1000000;
PlayerLocation = None;
if ( PlayerZone != None )
for ( L=PlayerZone.LocationID; L!=None; L=L.NextLocation )
Dist = VSize(Owner.Location - L.Location);
if ( (Dist < L.Radius) && (Dist < MinDist) )
PlayerLocation = L;
MinDist = Dist;
if ( FRand() < 0.65 )
if (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None)
Ping = int(PlayerPawn(Owner).ConsoleCommand("GETPING"));
if (PlayerPawn(Owner) != None)
PacketLoss = int(PlayerPawn(Owner).ConsoleCommand("GETLOSS"));
2) Is there anyway of accessing GameReplicationInfo from a simulated function in a HUD.