Player Models in Version 3

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Few questions about the player models in version 3.

- Will there be new models?

If so...

- Will equipment such as helmets and backpacks be implemented as part of the model if it is chosen by the player in the loadout screen?

- This may sound sexist but is there a real need for a female model? Since nearly all of us use male models. More concentration on quality rather than quantity is what I'm talking about (both models and skins).

- Damage skins. Have the UT guys worked that in by any chance?

Anyway, everyones suggestions are welcome, also check out my other topic InF_DesertCompound...I'm still looking for suggestions. Thanks.

RaekwoN out.


Female models:

There is some trouble with the skin-model combination, so you might have f1 or f2 in your setup, but in the damn game you have had a sex change.
I've played some games where the ratio was even, and there is always a few in f2.
It would be a shame if a male and not a female model were included. A settlement on Unisex could be reached, if Warren is lazy again. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


Yep! We'll be doing our own player models- completely original with skins and all. Whether we do female models - well, probably 1 or 2. I'm not going to disclude them because basically, in this day and age, not any reason I give can be 'morally' justified.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

We'll also do our best to make the animations realistic and smooth. The biggest problem with unreal is the model/animation import process. Any modeler for Unreal will tell you, it's basically a pain in the ass. If you have a 50 frame animation with multiple objects (ie hand, gun, clip, etc) then you have to make a snapshot of every frame (like a cartoon flipbook) then combine every object into one.. (ie hand01, clip01, and weapon01 join into one object). You have to do this for all the frames, and with 50 or more, it gets VERY tedious... and even more so if the animation doesn't look right in game and you have to adjust something then redo the whole process over! /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif A few months ago, I was talking with Erik de Neve from Epic who said he was going to work on some utilities for 3D Studio Max that would automate the whole process. Well, earlier this week I followed up by asking Tim Sweeney, and he told me they weren't.. which means I'm back to the old process.. which REALLY sucks. Anyway, to summerize this bitching process, making quality animations for our weapons and characters will take some time... unless someone who can code a Max utility can hook me up! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Character equipment- yes, we'll have backpacks, helmets, vests, etc. Catalyst and I are messing with an experiment that will hopefully make it easy to add all this stuff to our characters and keep the download of version 3 that much less.. We're also gonna try something to allow a character, when they crouch, they can crawl into smaller spaces- like Half Life.

Damage to skins- that I don't believe so. At least from playing the demo. I'll ask Tim about it, but I think the gods are against that one. Which sucks too- if only we could get the source code... :p


Yeah, I noticed that in unreal you can't duck to get into smaller spaces, which to means seems a really simple peice of coding to do, wonder why they didn't bother to do it.


Crawling sounds good. On the stomach, shots flying over head, making whizzing sounds...