Pinata mutator...

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I just played INF with the Pinata Mutator for the UT Demo. that's fun. What it does is when a player is killed he drops all his inventory. Just like INF V3.0 is going to do. Very fun, I suggest u try it.

Also I tryed to play with the Duel Enforcers (INF mod not the regular UT Game) and it wouldn't give me duel M9's. I don't think it would be that hard to trasfer the code but i'm not fluent enough. Someone should transfer the code for INF's M9. Just a thought. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


(shhh.... that's a feature of our next Inf mutator for the retail UT...)

[This message has been edited by Warren (edited 11-21-1999).]