Does anyone here suffer from any phobias ( i think this was a thread on the old BBS... )? I think I may have arachnophobia...I'm OK if they're small but above a certain size I just panic. I'm fine with other "bugs" but spiders...
Originally posted by Frostblood
Does anyone here suffer from any phobias
Originally posted by Frostblood
there is a phobia called eisotrophobia which is a fear of mirrors. In some peoples case this is equivalent to a fear of shattering sounds.
Ya.....Originally posted by QUALTHWAR
…and, of course, you already are aware of my “doorknob” phobia.
Originally posted by The Spiritwalker
I have the weirdest phobia.. I have always been afraid of having my eye poked out.. I have tried to trace down the problem.. doctors and such.. and even talked to my family about things that could have happened when I was a kid.. but no luck.. and so far I stil have both of my eyes..