here in the US airsoft is not well recieved, it's too easy to cheat for one thing (hell you don't even have to wipe)
I dig the realism of airsoft guns, but it's hard to argue with paint (although there are paintballs for airsoft guns, everything I've read says they're not good for the guns and will jamb yo shit up).
I'd still love to have a few airsoft guns (like an HK PSG-1).
Now days ppl are rather goosey about real looking guns, and if you're playing an unorganized game, there's a good chance the police will show up and may join the game with REAL Glocks.
Aside from that (and the fact that Americans have little sense of sportsmanship, and aren't honest enough to call themselves "out" without being marked) I think airsoft would be kinda fun.
[This message was edited by Zundfolge on Sep 03, 2000 at 13:59.]