I think you SHOULD release your map Neo! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Ok, maybe the screenshots I saw was NOT on the RealMaps site I don't remember... I only remember that they made my mouth water and so I urge you yet again; PLEASE /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif let us have it...
Especially since you can't enter the make something real contest as you're one of the judges.
Pretty please? hehe
Quem Iupiter vult perdere dementat prius
(Whom Jupiter wishes to destroy, he first makes mad)
Ok, maybe the screenshots I saw was NOT on the RealMaps site I don't remember... I only remember that they made my mouth water and so I urge you yet again; PLEASE /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif let us have it...
Especially since you can't enter the make something real contest as you're one of the judges.
Pretty please? hehe
Quem Iupiter vult perdere dementat prius
(Whom Jupiter wishes to destroy, he first makes mad)