One texture whore comming up

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Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
Finally got my hands on a digital camera of fair enough quality ot start my textures again. So from now till ...oh 3 months from now I'll be working on improving my texture skills.

Although most textures can be created in PS...I find that some textures look better if they are based off of Photos.

All textures are in high res. Examples have been scaled down many times and water marked so please don't use them in your maps, but feel free to test them out. All texture will tile with out seems, however some of them look more obviously tiled than others

Cement wall 4096x2048

High res brick 2048x1024

Brick 2048x1024

Vent 1024x1024

Cement sidewalk 2048x2048
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Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
Peble cement 2048x2048

Peble cement ][ 2048x2048

Cement tiles 2048x2048

Cement Wall 2048x1024

River rocks 1024x1024

Man Hole 1024x1024

Once I have had my fill of Outside Urbane textures, Ill move to indoor textures.

Feel free to give me feed back. It's hard to get better with out some constructive critism.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
My main comment would be that it would be nice if the textures were "zoomed out" more. For example, the river rocks would have to be scaled down ingame by about 0.25 or 0.5 for the rocks to be a realistic size, and that would cause horrible tiling effects.
It's not quite so important to have all the minute details in the texture since you can do that with detail textures. It's better to have a more zoomed out version so you can keep the texture at it's normal scale so it tiles better and has more variation in it.
Same thing goes for the bricks, a 2048x2048 texture is pretty massive considering it's only 3 bricks across. For a texture that size I would expect to see more like 20 bricks accross. (imagine how big a 2048x2048 cube is ingame. That's what the texture should ideally stretch accross and look realistic)

And also mappers in general like textures that are not too dark and not too saturated since it is extremely important for decent lighting.
The bricks are too saturated to accept coloured lighting well and the darker peble cement is too dark also (even the lighter peble cement is pushing it a bit for brightness)
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Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
Bot_40 said:
My main comment would be that it would be nice if the textures were "zoomed out" more. For example, the river rocks would have to be scaled down ingame by about 0.25 or 0.5 for the rocks to be a realistic size, and that would cause horrible tiling effects.
It's not quite so important to have all the minute details in the texture since you can do that with detail textures. It's better to have a more zoomed out version so you can keep the texture at it's normal scale so it tiles better and has more variation in it.
Same thing goes for the bricks, a 2048x2048 texture is pretty massive considering it's only 3 bricks across. For a texture that size I would expect to see more like 20 bricks accross. (imagine how big a 2048x2048 cube is ingame. That's what the texture should ideally stretch accross and look realistic)

And also mappers in general like textures that are not too dark and not too saturated since it is extremely important for decent lighting.
The bricks are too saturated to accept coloured lighting well and the darker peble cement is too dark also (even the lighter peble cement is pushing it a bit for brightness)

thx for the feedback

I made them dark because all of the textures in the editor are super dark when you export them and play with them in Photoshop. So with this in mind, i made them all fairly dark so that when they are in the game...they look natural insted of looking totally washed out. I haven't checked them in the editor yet, so its possible that they might be a little too dark.

Your right about the pebbles, I may have to get a few more shots and combine them together to get a better look.

As far as texture sizes go, yeah 2048x2048 is a bit of an overkill for 3 bricks. The large texture still retains clarity of pixels even when scaled down to .1XX you will just have to get closer to see this. Detailed textures help, but they are not always needed to give a texture a high detail look. (just look at what the S3TC textures did to UT1. High res, and no need for detail textures.)

The texture sizes are reference so they can always be resized.


Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
I fixed a few of the textures.
My current favorite is my fixed cement texture as you can see in the image below:

Top frame: Original game texture, max settings, with detail texturing applied

Bottom frame: My texture, No detail texturing applied.

Funny, mine runs better even though My texture takes up more ram.


  • OldNew.jpg
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Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
I'll get around to metals in good time. :)

More textures!!!

Stucco 2048x2048

Cement Wall 2048x2048

Cement Wall with line 2048x2048

Bark Mulch 2048x2048

Cement and Peble Wall 2048x2048

Today I took 154 pictures today. At least a few of them will be good for textures.
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Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
The stucco and the cement you posted in that last group of 5 are ok but prolly only for detail textures since they don't have anywhere near enough features to make an actual texture. They look almost like a plain colour.

heh, I guess it's time for me to try also now. I made a brick texture from a photo of the side of my house. Didn't really do much to it at all, only used clone tool to make it tile. Tiles about 4-5 times before it comes obvious but you'd have to have a plain wall that's 2048 with no architecture on it before that would happen which means your map sucks anyways :p
Yuo may use but only with permission!

heh, I only just got this camera for christmas but already I want a better one! It goes up to 1600x1200 but doesn't take very crisp photos at that res, not ideal for making textures :hmm:


  • RedBrick.jpg
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Mostly dead.
Jan 4, 2004
A texture!
Maked with wally and added detail with Photoshop 7


  • cswall1.jpg
    228.3 KB · Views: 72


Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
Bot 40:
I think my texture style is much different from the commonly accepted style. I do not use a detail texture of any kind. Just a one pass huge texture. Personally I think it looks much better this way even if it does push the limits of your gfx card.

To me it is better to add in more detail of a few bricks, than it is to add a whole bunch of bricks that are all soft and almost detail less. Yes, a detail texture would take care of this, but it doesn't look anywhere near as good. Both methods have their advantages, but for now I'm sticking with quality. (until i get a better lens)

Your texture looks great, but I think its way too bright. It would be a light pink color once you got in the editor or the game and looked at it. Your digital camera is fine, in fact all digital cameras have blurry pictures at the highest res. But it looks better when you scale the images down, especially by half.

On a side note, I think texture artists jobs are shifting from having to fake geometric features in their textures (brick wall with window seal, window, window reflection, glass pains, and plants on the window,) to simply breaking it down and making a texture for each feature.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Yeah, mainly because most detail can be made in geometry. Skinning is becomming much more important now because of custom meshes. You can't just use a large trim texture anymore for a pillar, you need detailed skins to match the geometry if you want it to look really good.
Yeah, wall is too bright atm, it does look a horrible pink atm, but I don't think I'm using it for anything right now so I can easilly change it later!


Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
Busy day (again) Two textures:

Air Vent ][ 1024x1024

A geometry vent would look better, but I couldn't resist.

Dirt (looks like wood bark mixed in with rich soil) 2048x2048

This one is special because it was derived from 4 photos. Original image is 4096x4096. I scaled it down so it could look better, and actually work in a game.
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Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
This one was composed of 9 different images at 2048x2048. The total image size was 6144x6144 when done. In an effort to "zoom out" I resized the large image down to 2048x2048. It doesn't look nearly as great at 512x512 as it does at 2048x2048.

Cement with moss and straw 2048x2048


Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
I have some more I have been working on:

Cement Crater Rock 2048x2048 (Actually has little craters in it)

Floor Bricks 2048x2048

Cement Pebble Tile 2048x2048

Cement Pebble Wall 2048x2048 (its really worn out so the rocks look kind of shiny)

Water Drainage 1024x1024

Hopefully I will have a new lens for this Digital rebel in a week. This will allow me to tile more complex textures with a lot less effort. :)
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