On the subject of Live Value and FPS 1000's

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New Member
Dec 23, 1999
montgomery, al usa
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Sorry, but i couldnt reply to your post....the link tried to make me d'load instead of opening link.

anyhoo...i have precisely the same setup and experienced the same problem you mentioned. i couldnt determine the problem exactly. Since i hadnt yet updated to LiveWare 3.0, i went ahead and completely removed and reinstalled my SBLive with the new drivers released last month and went up to Liveware 3.0 and patched UT to the current version. I havent had trouble since. Of note though is the fact that this sound problem wasnt always there, it was kind of inconsistent, so the fact that a driver chane helped may simply be because of some other issue the drivers affected. Give it a try though and let me know if it helps.