OFF TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!

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has anybody here played that unreal4ever mod with the demo? If so, do you like it? Personally I think it s**ks, unrealistic fake garbage and the m16 smells. I hope Infiltration doesn't trun out like that mod did.

P.S. No offence to thoes who like it.


I personally can't get enough of botmatch UT-Inf style.. online play will be probably at 80-85% of what it should be, but when we release the mutator for retail UT, hopefully all will be working fine. I think one of the best parts of the mutator is how you can configure the weapons to replace whichever UT weapons you want-- so you can have twice or three times as many MP5's or M16's if you like.. or make the AT4 your default (startup) weapon and not replace any other UT weapon with the AT4 so you can only use it once.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif I think it's great when the creators of a mod enjoy playing it too..


I guess you didn't understand the subject line that said OFF TOPIC!!!!!

whatch to much of that sorry movie Matrix, see what tv doe's to you loss of concentration.


hey,Inf forum isn't for OFF TOPIC stuff. If you want to rant on U4E, then go to one of PU's forums. You should never doubt how good Inf will be. I think if it were going to be shit, Warren and everyone else would stop making it. If they're (and me) going to be working on it most their free time, it should be quality or otherwise, why make it